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6 Signs You Need to Conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey

Attempting to understand your customers’ satisfaction level may seem like a daunting task. Fortunately for you and your company, this could not be further from the truth!

A customer satisfaction survey is a great way to find out just how satisfied your customers are with your product or service. 

In this article, our market research company discusses six unique signs that may indicate the need for customer satisfaction research, how this research can offer insights on each given situation, and why this research is beneficial to you and your company. 

Contact our customer survey company.

Sign #1 to Conduct a Customer Survey

Sales numbers are decreasing.

Certain external factors will always affect consumer willingness to spend money, and where they wish to spend it. But if you are seeing a dip in sales numbers, don’t dismiss it as temporary!

You should take action quickly, to avoid losing those customers for good.

If you act swiftly, you have a better chance of finding out why those once reliable customers aren’t shopping for your products like they used to.

A customer satisfaction survey, in this situation, will help give some reasoning behind those dipping sales numbers.

Recommended Reading: 3 Ways to Use Market Research to Fuel Sales Strategies

Sign #2 to Conduct a Customer Survey

You’re seeing less interaction with your social media and email campaigns.

In today’s digital world, social media marketing and advertising are some of the main methods of communicating and engaging with customers.

When fewer customers are opening your emails or interacting with your social media channels, there’s a chance that some customers just don’t feel as loyal to your product or service as they used to.

There are numerous reasons why you may be seeing a decline in customer interaction with your social media or emails, like a negative experience online or in-store, or even poorly-received message content.

In this scenario, a customer satisfaction survey can help identify the specific reason(s) that caused these customers to lose their connection with your product or service.

Recommended Reading: How to Conduct a Survey with Lost Customers

Sign #3 to Conduct a Customer Survey

You’re losing out to the competition.

For many business owners, customer churn can be one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome. It’s difficult to understand why a customer may prefer a competitor’s product over yours. 

If you’re seeing customers abandon your product or service for that of another brand, it may be time to conduct a customer satisfaction survey to understand why they made that decision.

By getting that information, you can pinpoint the problem and make the necessary changes so that customers stick with you, instead of ditching you for the other guys. 

Sign #4 to Conduct a Customer Survey

You recently launched a new product or service.

By launching a new product or service, you’re probably entering uncharted territory. And there’s also a good chance that you conducted extensive research before your product/service launched.

Don’t let that research go to waste! 

By gauging the satisfaction level of your customers after launching something new, you can better understand the impact that this new product or service has on your business and overall reputation.

On a more detailed level, you can get insights into how the new product or service is performing.

Learn more tips for new product development market research in this short video!

Sign #5 to Conduct a Customer Survey

You’re seeing more negative reviews.

For any business, social media and online reviews can be a double-edged sword. It’s great for advertising and sharing customers’ positive experiences, but it can also amplify customers’ negative messages regarding your product or service. 

Negative reviews on online rating sites can do significant damage to your company’s reputation, and turn customers off from your products or services.

If you act fast, adding a component of online reputation management to a customer satisfaction survey can uncover why you’re seeing an influx of negative reviews and provide you with the necessary information to make the right changes to your product or service.

Recommended Reading: How Customer Surveys Can Be Used for Online Reputation Management 

Sign #6 to Conduct a Customer Survey

Customers aren’t taking advantage of major sales events/promotions.

Special offers and promotions are some of the biggest customer draws.

But when you run a major promotional campaign and conversions aren’t what you had hoped for or expected, it may be beneficial to conduct some research to understand why customers aren’t willing to purchase your products or services even at a reduced price.  

A natural instinct may be to slash prices even lower, but the best thing you can do in this situation is to put your focus on identifying why customers aren’t purchasing from you in the first place.

Similar to other scenarios mentioned previously, a customer satisfaction survey can help pinpoint the negative aspects of a customer’s experience using your product or service.

This way, you can improve the customer experience and fix the problem at the root!

Conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey with Drive Research

Are you seeing the signs that you may need to conduct a customer satisfaction survey? Drive Research can help! Our team has 10+ years of experience conducting custom research projects for brands across several industries.

Interested in learning more about our market research services? Let’s talk!