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What are the Best Types of Questions for Quantitative Market Research?

For qualitative research, data collection options can seem endless. As a creative research method, there are a variety of options readily available.

These can include: open-ended survey questions, focus groups, one-on-one interviews, intercept interviews, and the list goes on and on.

But, what about questions to ask for quantitative market research methods?

Since this type of data is numerical and scientific, rather than interpretive, your question options may initially appear to be boring and limiting.Our market research company is here to tell you there are many types of questions that are beneficial to include in online surveys, phone surveys, email surveys, or other common forms of quantitative research.

Contact our market research firm today.

Benefits of Quantitative Market Research

Quantitative data can be beneficial to any market research study.

Most commonly, quantitative research compares several variables against one another, which leads to important findings and helps companies make better business decisions.

It places a numerical value or percentage on insightful consumer information such as:

  • 52% of our target consumers are Millenials.
  • 65% of our customers because aware of our brand through social media.
  • 25% of our target consumers perceive our brand as too expensive.

Moreover, the data collected from an online survey is based on larger samples than that of a focus group. Therefore, the data is often more statistically reliable.

It is ofter the reason Drive Research recommends a hybrid research approach for our clients.

Keep reading as we explore different styles of quantitative market research questions to use and how best to use them.

Question Type #1: Dichotomous

Yes or no. True or false. These are potential answer choices for dichotomous survey questions.

This type of question is used if it is clear there are only two possible answers.

Dichotomous questions can simplify the survey experience for respondents and produce clean, measurable data, but it is important to remember that not every question will be as simple as black and white.

Question Type #2: Multiple Choice

As one of the most common survey question types, multiple choice questions provide a list of answers from which the respondent can choose from.

Multiple-choice questions aim to exhaust all possible answers, however, it can be difficult to be completely inclusive.

In this case, our online survey company recommends adding an “Other, please specify” answer choice to help reduce bias.

Multiple choice questions are a great quantitative survey question because they produce data that is easy to analyze.

Question Type #3: Multiple Answer

Similar to multiple choice, multiple answer, or check-all that apply, questions aim to be comprehensive.

Multiple-answer questions are a great choice for questions that might have more than one possible answer, such as asking respondents what apps they have on their phone.

Like multiple-choice questions, researchers may benefit from adding an “Other, please specify” answer choice to avoid creating any bias.

Question Type #4: Likert Scale

Likert scales are a great way to measure exactly what or how respondents think and feel.

Typically, the answer options will include a scale ranging from one extreme to another, such as not at all satisfied, to very satisfied or strongly disagree, to strongly agree. Each answer will have its own label.

For example, a Likert scale question would have answer choices such as: strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, neutral, somewhat agree, and strongly agree.

Likert scale questions are useful to measure agreement, frequency, likelihood, and importance. They are also great for measuring customer or employee satisfaction.

Question Type #5: Semantic Differential

Similar to Likert scales, semantic differential questions are useful when it comes to measuring attitudes. Semantic differential questions are often seen to produce less bias than Likert scales.

For this type of question, bipolar choices, such as good and bad, are shown on opposite sides of a scale with a clear midpoint.

However, unlike Likert scale questions, the answers are not labeled from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

Rather, the scale would show disagreement on one side of the scale and agree on the other.

Question Type #6: Rank Order

Rank order questions allow respondents to rearrange a list of multiple choice options. This type of question allows researchers to better understand the target audience’s preferences and create a better profile.

Rank order questions are engaging, yet easy to answer, which can increase a survey’s overall completion rate.

Question Type #7: Matrix

A matrix question is a series of Likert scale questions compiled into many rows.

Instead of measuring a respondent’s opinion through a series of separate questions, matrix questions simplify the survey experience.

Where to Incorporate Quantitative Research Questions

Quantitative data is extremely important when it comes to making generalizations and important business decisions. This type of data can be collected through the above question types in several ways.

For instance, Drive Research, a full-service market research company, sees surveys as one of the simplest methods to collect quantitative data.

Survey research is a great option because many mediums can be explored to maximize audience reach.

Surveys can be conducted online, which makes participating in research simple for avid smartphone and computer users.

For those who would rather have a more personalized experience, phone surveys are an option.

Lastly, mail surveys are convenient for respondents and have incredible response rates.

Although focus groups and interviews are often thought to be more qualitative, elements of quantitative research can be incorporated into these types of market research.

The moderator or interviewers can have participants respond to questions, either written or verbally.

The data can then be manually entered and further analyzed to supplement qualitative research.

Conduct Quantitative Research with Our Team

Our team partners with brands across the country to design, field, and report on various types of quantitative research.

Interested in learning more about our market research services? Reach out through any of the four ways below.