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Improving Job Satisfaction: 8 Examples of Why Company Culture Matters

At the crux of every successful, fast-paced organization is the people who hold it together: drumroll, please…the employees! 

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that “job satisfaction” is a term that, in the recent past, has been highlighted as the hallmark of a good company.

In fact, a whopping 88% of those in the job market think that positive company culture is of importance. 

After all, if staff is not treated well, low productivity and general unhappiness can bleed into the fabric of a work environment. 

In turn, this unhappiness can negatively affect the overall success of a company, making work satisfaction a gaping hole in the workplace. 

Our employee survey company got in touch with top professionals from a variety of fields to shed some light on why the wellness of employees really counts. 

Keep reading to learn more about the key aspects of employee satisfaction and examples of how to improve it.

Contact our employee survey company.

Step Into Your Employees’ Shoes 

If you’re curious about job satisfaction, ask! Employers must take the time to listen to employees about what they need. 

Regular employee satisfaction surveys, with true transparency, ensure employers have their finger on the pulse of their workforce and can take appropriate action to address staff concerns. 

These practices will stave off burnout, improve employee engagement and productivity, and help keep and attract top talent.

Quote provided by Petra Durnin, Head of Market Analytics at Raise Commercial Real Estate

Interested in learning more about employee survey benefits? Watch this short video.

Workplace Design Plays Major Role In Morale

Positive work environments are intentional, experiential, collaborative, and flexible.

An intentional workplace centers on the human experience and recognizes that each employee works differently and then adapts to accommodate their individual needs. 

Employees who feel their voice is heard are more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work.

Workplace design can positively influence health, wellness, job satisfaction and productivity. 

Whether it’s operable windows for better air quality, an indoor garden to reduce stress, or ergonomic furniture, office design should be both functional and visually appealing. 

Additionally, workplace design also includes aspects of corporate culture such as:

  • Your company’s identity
  • Team roles
  • Individual responsibilities
  • Work processes
  • Work behaviors

These elements all work together to craft a design that is an extension of organizational culture. 

Employers are looking for innovative workplace models that incorporate new lessons learned during the pandemic.

The newest version is “hubquarters,” a cluster of small offices, coworking spaces, other remote locations, and home offices that acts as a central nervous system with leadership that moves from hub to hub.

Quote provided by Petra Durnin, Head of Market Analytics at Raise Commercial Real Estate

Flexibility Makes An Impact

After years of measuring employee satisfaction at Washington, DC-area companies for our “best places to work” articles, I have noticed that employees are clearly happiest at companies that provide the most flexibility to do their jobs. 

That doesn’t mean just flexibility in when and where employees work, but also how–employees like a measure of autonomy, and they hate to be micromanaged.

Quote provided by Sherri Dalphonse, Executive Editor at Washingtonian Magazine

Showing Your Appreciation for Employees

Employee appreciation doesn’t always mean monetarily—although, no surprise, high pay does correlate to employee satisfaction.

Yet, even a handwritten, personal note of thanks from a boss can do wonders.

Other characteristics that seem to contribute to job satisfaction and organizational commitment include:

  • Supportive managers and colleagues 
  • Company transparency
  • Opportunities for continued learning and growth
  • Employee respect and recognition

Quote provided by Sherri Dalphonse, Executive Editor at Washingtonian Magazine

Building Trust in the Workplace

Job satisfaction can be reinforced by a supportive workplace.

Creating a positive work environment, enabling trust, a place to be honest, and showing interest in developing an employee’s career ambitions at a company, can all lead to greater retention. 

This may allow an employee to feel a greater sense of motivation to do a job well while also feeling a sense of loyalty, which is key to a long-term commitment to a company.

Quote provided by Dr. Joshua Bourne, Clinical Director and Counselling Psychologist at Bourne Path

Continued Emphasis on Employee Interests 

Culture is more than a handbook, or a policy, or even good intentions. Culture is the micro-actions and lived values that attract great employees, nurture their growth, and compel them to stay with an organization.

We must all continuously examine how our behaviors, gestures, and mindset help or hurt a positive company culture.

Quote provided by Nicole Johnson, Managing Editor at GovLoop

Why Mental Health Support Is Key–Especially Now

Something that seems to be working at the Ronald McDonald House is management’s dedication to prioritizing mental health support and implementing the ideas pitched by staff members. 

Employees who feel their needs are noticed and accommodated by supervisors, especially during a difficult period such as the coronavirus pandemic, tend to stick around the company, resulting in improved job satisfaction and job performance.

Quote provided by Saige Miller, Producer and Engagement Reporter at Salt Lake Tribune

Happy Employees = Productive Employees

Job satisfaction starts with a combination of job security, good pay, and healthy work conditions, and is strengthened by motivation factors such as finding purpose and recognition in work.

Achieving high levels of employee satisfaction can boost engagement, increase productivity and strengthen retention rates.

Satisfied employees tend to be invested in the success of the business and will proactively work to meet strategic objectives.

Quote provided by Sujan Patel, Co-Founder of Mailshake 

Recommended Reading: How Can I Increase Employee Retention? | Reducing Staff Turnover with Surveys

Contact Our Job Satisfaction Survey Company 

Happy employees make up the foundation of your organization. A variety of factors contribute to an employee’s wellness, from office layout to mental health recognition. 

One way to combat employee turnover and job dissatisfaction are through the use of workplace surveys.

The objectives of this type of market research can differ greatly, but they all have one main goal: to shed light on your staff’s needs. 

At Drive Research, our dedicated team of research analysts can help you see where your company stands with an employee survey.

For more information read our ultimate guide to Using a Third Party for Employee Surveys or get in touch with us to elevate your business to new heights.