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Survey Questions to Ask Non-Customers

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We are all familiar with questions to ask your customers, but what about non-customers? If you want to conduct a survey with the market as a whole there are likely questions you want to ask specific to and separate from what you would ask your own. Non-customer surveys help an organization grow by tapping into new audiences.

Many clients we talk to state they know everything they need to know with their customers. This can be true and verified with a customer survey. However, they are likely to learn new insights as well they were not expecting. Surprises per say.

The difference with a non-customer survey is you are likely to learn a ton of new insights because it is data you likely do not have. Our custom surveys obtain these key feedback points for you via a third-party.

Sure, you can go out and ask these non-customers questions yourself, but is the feedback you get likely to be 100% honest? They may hate your brand but when replying directly to your salesperson or marketing person, there is likely to be some sugar coating, or they simply won’t respond.

Here are some question categories you should consider diving into on your next non-customer survey straight from our market research firm.

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List of Possible Question Categories to Cover

Here is a list of suggested categories and topics to address in your non-customer survey. Remember, it is best practice to not exceed 15 questions. Choose wisely.

  • Top-of-mind awareness of your brand?
  • Aided awareness of your brand?
  • Perception of your brand (positive, neutral, negative)?
  • Word associations with your brand?
  • Factors in choice or what is most important when choosing?
  • What influences the decision?
  • What source(s) are used for the decision?
  • What media channels do they spend their time in (social, radio, TV)?
  • Brands used and satisfaction with those brands?
  • Likelihood to switch brands?
  • Preferences for communication?
  • Preferences for purchasing?
  • Usage of websites?
  • Age?
  • ZIP Code?
  • Household income?
  • Ethnicity?
  • Gender?
  • Number of people in household?
  • Children in household?
  • Employment status?
  • Marital status?

Demographic questions are a great addition to your non-customer survey. Why? This data allows us to profile these respondents into buckets for segmentation. In our analysis we may separate these non-customer buckets into categories like: digital spenders, elderly detractors, loyal parents, and so on.

Choose among the other questions wisely. Depending on your goals and objectives some of the suggested categories may fit while others will not. One of the most difficult parts of survey design is reducing the scope of questions to 15. But it creates a more engaged survey and will result in a higher number of responses.

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Questions about an upcoming project? Contact us at [email protected] or call us at 315-303-2040. Our team is available to help.