Our market research company in Syracuse, NY gets this question a lot, “Can Drive Research help recruit for a focus group?”
We also get this question a lot, “Can I learn more about the Drive Research focus group facility?”
Safe to say the answer to both questions are YES!
Recently, a research company reached out to Drive Research to help recruit for a focus group project and use the our focus group facility. Learn more about this project and outcomes for this focus group study!
A research company hired Drive Research to help conduct a qualitative study in Syracuse, NY. A total of 4 focus groups took place.
Drive Research recruited additional participants per focus group in order to sit 10. The focus groups lasted no longer than 1 hour and 45 minutes and were held on two consecutive evenings at 5 p.m. and again at 6:45 p.m. Participants received a $125 stipend processed by the client as a thank you for the feedback and time to attend the focus groups.
The 4 focus groups were broken down as follows: (a) two female group of juniors and seniors, (b) one male group of juniors and seniors and (c) one male group of freshman and sophomores (rising sophomores).
Additional screening criteria included: (1) students must have lived at least 1 year in a college dorm, (2) the groups have to include a mix of schools across New York State including small, large, private, public, urban, and rural, etc. Drive Research also tracked respondents to recruit a mix of ethnicities.
The focus groups were hosted at our focus group facility in Syracuse, NY. The focus group facility offers several benefits:
- Convenient access to two major highways
- Nearby hotel and food accommodations
- Ample free on-site parking just outside the entrance
The Drive Research focus group facility is only minutes from the airport, Syracuse University and several other colleges, and Destiny USA – the nation’s 7th largest shopping mall.
As an additional benefit, Drive Research is centrally located just north of the city of Syracuse, in Onondaga County. It is directly located off Route 81 and the NYS Thruway making for easy client and participant access. The focus group facility is just minutes away from several colleges and universities. It is centrally located in New York State giving plenty of opportunity to acquire a mix of college students who attend New York State schools.
Drive Research developed the screener based on the client provided criteria. The process to recruit participants for the client included: (a) targeted email lists of panel participants living in the target markets and (b) paid randomized social media ads to the targeted audience.
Drive Research developed an online survey of questions to pre-screen the audience through invitations. Those who qualify received a re-screening and confirmation call to ask additional questions. From there participants received a confirmation email asking to reply back “yes”, a calendar invitation, a confirmation call 24 to 48 hours before the focus group, and a reminder text the day of the session.
Here’s a snapshot of the Drive Research recruiting process:
- Develop the recruitment screener
- Place re-screening phone calls
- Send confirmation email
- Place reminder phone call
- Send reminder text
The outcome and findings from the focus group remain confidential with the client. Our team fully recruited all 4 focus groups. In fact, we had a 97% show rate which, not to toot our own horns, is extremely high.
At the end of the process, the client received the following:
- High quality video recordings of the focus groups
- High quality digitally recorded audio files
- Transcripts of the focus groups
Learn more about how to get started with focus groups.
Contact Drive Research
Drive Research is a market research company with a fully equipped focus group facility in Syracuse, NY. Interested in learning more about our market research services? Contact us today.