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Case Study: Image & Awareness Survey for the United Way

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Drive Research recently donated its time and expertise to the United Way of Central New York to conduct a Voice of Customer (VoC) survey for the organization. Our team worked with the client to address their key objectives and conduct a pro-bono market research project to help their board with marketing, strategy, and next steps to grow its donation base. The market research company in Syracuse made a presentation to the board on Friday, February 18 to share the findings of the survey.

Our market research company in Syracuse assisted the United Way of Central New York with this important study.

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The United Way of Central New York (CNY) partnered with Drive Research on a market research project to understand awareness, image, perceptions, and donation behaviors. The market research study provided the United Way of CNY with the necessary data to better understand these primary and other secondary objectives from the online survey. Using a third-party market research company in Syracuse for this project ensured unbiased, credible, and representative views of the target market for the client. The market research will fuel operations, marketing, and strategy to improve outcomes for the client. The market research was conducted pro-bono for the organization by Drive Research at no expense to the United Way of CNY.


To address the objectives at-hand, Drive Research utilized an online survey. The sample pool for the survey included: (1) 3,000 random contacts from the United Way of CNY database, (2) the Drive Research CNY panel, (3) an eBlast conducted by Advance Media New York, and (4) organic shares of the survey on social media. Online surveys are cost-effective, offer a quick turn-around, are measurable, and gather quality feedback.

The survey included a total of 19 questions and took approximately 5 minutes to complete. The online survey was fielded from January 5 through February 1, 2018. The market area included Onondaga, Oswego, and Madison counties. A total of 377 responses were collected (nearly a +/- 5% margin of error). One $100 gift card was raffled to survey respondents to entice participation.


Although the results remain confidential with the United Way of CNY, here is an overview of some of the survey questions asked to the Syracuse community and the contact database.

  1. In which of the following counties do you reside?
  2. Which of the following best applies to you? (Statements about the United Way of CNY)
  3. What word or phrase comes to mind for the United Way of CNY?
  4. What is your perception of the United Way of CNY?
  5. Why (regarding answer to perception)?
  6. Where have you seen or heard information?
  7. What factor(s) matter most when determining where to donate?
  8. How much money did you donate this past year?
  9. What are the main reasons you did not donate this past year?
  10. What percent of your donations went to the United Way of CNY?
  11. What percentage did you designate to another non-profit?
  12. How do you prefer to make monetary donations?
  13. Which best describes how your donation behavior has changed?
  14. Are you donating to more, fewer, or the same number?
  15. What is your age?
  16. What gender do you most identify with?
  17. Which best describes your total annual household income?

Here were some of the objectives addressed in the market research report:

  1. What is the awareness and perception of the United Way of CNY in the market area?
  2. How is the perception of the United Way of CNY being generated?
  3. What factors matter most when determining where to place monetary donations?
  4. What are the main reasons people do not donate and how has donation behavior changed?
  5. How do respondents prefer to make donations?

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Drive Research is a local market research firm who works with clients and brands across the country. Regardless of whether you are in Syracuse, California, Texas, or Florida, our market research company can help.

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