Drive Research News

  • Drive Research Welcomes Emily Palermo Research Analyst

    Drive Research Welcomes Emily Palermo, Research Analyst

    Drive Research is pleased to announce the hiring of Emily Palermo, our new Market Research Analyst. Emily joined the team on Monday, March 13. Emily will play a key role at Drive Research, assisting with all things market research including project management, survey design, data analysis, and reporting. She will be working directly with our clients managing priority tasks for our market research company. Emily Palermo, Research Analyst at Drive Research, a Market Research Company in Syracuse

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  • market research thought leadership pieces from drive research

    11 Market Research Thought-Leadership Pieces from Drive Research

    We don't just love conducting market research for our clients, we live and speak it. So much, that we love writing about it and sharing our stories and new ideas. In addition to sharing our posts here on the Drive Research blog, I also share more in-depth thought-leadership pieces on my LinkedIn profile. Here is a short recap of the 11 pieces I've featured on my LinkedIn profile through the end of 2016 as the Owner & President. It's been a great year, might I say. To all of our clients and fr

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  • best market research blog posts 2016

    Best Market Research Blog Posts in 2016

    With the last page of the calendar about to be torn off, it's a good time to reflect on the year that was in 2016. Might we add, wasn't it a great year? The Drive Research team is passionate about market research. We have a drive for helping clients, driving decisions through data, and driving strategy in the right direction. It's our motto: Better data. Better Decisions. Better Strategy. Market research makes this simple. Looking back at 2016, we put a lot of time and effort into our content

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  • buyology psychology book review martin lindstrom

    Book Review: Buyology by Martin Lindstrom

    Anyone who regularly reads our blog posts on the Drive Research website knows consumer behavior is a true passion of mine. The psychology of "why" people buy is fascinating to me. It dives into the numbers from your web analytics and surveys in an attempt to explain drivers to behavior. Martin Lindstrom, author of Buyology covers similar topics in his attempt to explain "the truths and lies of why we buy?" Interested in consumer behavior and psychology marketing research? I recommend Buyology.

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  • Social Media Benefits for Small Businesses

    6 Social Media Benefits for Small Businesses

    Many small businesses are afraid to take the plunge into social media. The anxiety to social media revolves around setting up accounts, which relates to set up, what to post, how to manage feedback, and even how often to post. It is so overwhelming for some small businesses they choose to avoid it completely. It's a costly mistake for businesses. Growth in e-commerce and mobile usage cannot be ignored. Lat/Long targeting and in-store mobile app surveys are just a few of the recent trends catc

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  • 4 Dangers of Micro-Managing Employees in Market Research

    4 Dangers of Micro-Managing Employees in Market Research

    Micro-management. It's a business cliche that gets tossed around offices across the world and sends shivers down employees' spines. No one wants to be called a micro-manager as it generates a strong negative connotation. At some point, we have all displayed micro-manager characteristics in our lifetime either inside or outside of the office, myself included. Don't believe me? Have you ever called your pharmacy to follow-up on when your prescription will be ready? Have you ever hovered over a fam

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  • A Career in Market Research | Firm in Upstate NY

    A Career in Market Research | Firm in Upstate NY

    A while back I was contacted by a follower on Twitter who was interested in learning more about a career in market research. We connected on Twitter and I passed along my email address to her to send some questions. If you are considering a career in market research, like this particular candidate, these questions may be something you were considering yourself so I thought I would share on the Drive Research blog. Here is a recap of her questions and my responses below about a potential caree

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  • building your personal brand market research

    Building Your Personal Brand | Marketing Research Firm Syracuse NY

    Companies across the world spend millions and even billions of dollars exploring customer decision-making processes. These companies are attempting to measure how much price matters and how other specific features of a product or service matter when people are making a purchase. It's not to say all of this data is vital to guiding a business in the right direction with its marketing efforts but in a service-based industry, I argue, it really just boils down to people. When making a decision to h

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  • career tips for rookies in market research

    8 Career Tips for Rookies in Market Research

    First off, congratulations on starting a career in market research! I may be biased but I think you made an excellent choice. Market research is a perfect blend of creativity with science and stories with statistics. Following these 8 tips will help you get up to speed quicker and build your own personal brand in market research. Suit up market researcher. Use these 8 tips to set yourself apart: Ask questions All good researchers know how to ask the right questions to get the information ne

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  • the psychology behind the logo market research syracuse

    The Psychology Behind the Logo | Market Research Syracuse

    All company logos carry specific meaning and are meant to enhance the products or services it offers. The Drive Research logo is no different. Our market research company logo uses several color schemes. Each color is meant to trigger a different response via Color Psychology at CoSchedule. Blue is closely associated with trust, intelligence, reliability, quality. All factors that Drive Research wants to convey to our current and prospective clients as they are choosing from market research c

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