Feasibility Studies

  • Blog: Target Market Analysis: How to Find Your Target Audience

    Target Market Analysis: How to Find Your Target Audience

    Do you know who your target market is? Do you “know” your target market? What are their demographics, preferences, and buying behaviors? Without a clear understanding of this, it can be challenging to create products and marketing strategies that resonate with customers. In today's ever changing business environment, it is more important than ever to know who your target market is and how to reach them effectively. This blog will explore what a target market analysis is, why it's important,

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  • higher-education-market-research-11272018

    Higher Education Program Feasibility Market Research

    Launching a new academic program in higher education is an endeavor that demands careful consideration and strategic planning. Before diving into the creation of a new educational offering, universities and colleges must conduct a comprehensive program feasibility study to assess its potential success. In this blog post, we will explore the essential role of program feasibility studies in the realm of higher education, and uncover the benefits they bring to institutions and stakeholders alik

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  • Blog: Building an Apartment Complex? How to Choose Your Location

    Building an Apartment Complex? How to Choose Your Location

    Location. It’s one of the most critical decisions you will make when building an apartment complex. It’s why it’s important to do your research and be fully informed before breaking ground. While incredibly important, choosing the right location for an apartment complex is not so black and white. There are many factors that can impact its success. Who is the target demographic for the living space? What price point is best for future tenets?  Is there a need for living space in the propos

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  • Restaurant Feasibility Study: Explaining the Definition, Benefits, and Process

    Restaurant Feasibility Study: Definition, Benefits, and Process

    New restaurants and new restaurant locations are popping up every day, making it one of the most competitive industries. It requires more than good food and marketing to make a new eatery successful. That's why our market research company often encourages new establishments or those opening a new location to conduct a restaurant feasibility study. This is also referred to as a "market analysis." The insight and data gathered from restaurant feasibility studies will predict how likely the eat

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  • Blog: 5 Components of a New Product Feasibility Study | Market Research Company

    5 Components of a New Product Feasibility Study

    Have a brilliant idea for a new product? You probably also have a lot of questions like: Who would buy my product? What audience(s) should I target? What products are competitors? What’s the market share for competitors? How much should I sell my product for? How should I promote my product? A new product feasibility study answers these questions and other key performance indicators. Furthermore, as a product/service distributor, you need to always be thinking of innovative strategies

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  • Blog: How to Measure the Demand for New Apartment Buildings

    How to Measure the Demand for New Apartment Buildings

    Wondering how developers find out whether there is enough demand to create a new apartment building? Like many business objectives, there's a market research study for that. A market research feasibility study gives insight into competitors, ideal amenities, target market criteria, and pricing. By conducting these studies, companies can glean important information to boost the likelihood of a successful new business venture. Learn more about the objectives, approach, and components of thes

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  • Blog: How to Conduct a Market Analysis with a Third-Party

    How to Conduct a Market Analysis with a Third-Party

    A higher education institution was looking to evaluate a new market to launch a new educational program. The client partnered with our third-party market research company to understand the landscape and identify market(s) for expansion. Check out this post to learn more about the objective, approach, and results of this market analysis research project! Objectives of the Market Analysis The objective of the market analysis research was to identify a favorable market(s) for the school and

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  • How to Conduct a Real Estate Development Feasibility Study | Market Research Company

    How to Conduct a Real Estate Development Feasibility Study

    Taking the time to conduct a feasibility study before jumping into a new real estate development project is always a good idea. While you may think your idea is brilliant (and it very well might be), it’s always best to determine its feasibility beforehand. Market research can help you secure investments, uncover gaps in the market, realize new target markets, develop marketing strategies, and much more. In this blog post, our feasibility study market research company will explore: The def

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  • components of apartment feasibility study market research

    5 Components of an Apartment Feasibility Study | Market Research Company

    A feasibility study or market assessment study is a fairly popular form of market research. As the growth of urbanization and downtown living continues, many developers are conducting apartment feasibility studies to understand market demand. This is driven by a multitude of factors. For example, there is a rise in young professionals wanting to work and live in cultural centers – while baby boomers look to downsize space and reverse flight back to the suburbs. In this blog post, our market re

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  • components market research study tips

    4 Key Components of a Market Research Feasibility Study

    Although the driving force behind each feasibility study may be different, the scope and methodologies used to address the objectives follow a similar path. The objective of a feasibility study is to define the viability and success of a new venture. The venture could be a product, service, business idea, building, or any other concept you are looking to launch. What better way to do this than with reliable data to create evidence-based and fact-based decisions? Despite the fact that your ven

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  • Looking to Conduct a Feasibility Study in Rochester? We Can Help.

    Looking to Conduct a Feasibility Study in Rochester? We Can Help.

    Our Rochester market research company often refers to feasibility studies as the crystal ball of new business ventures. Are you thinking of opening a new office space in a new location? Do you have a great idea or concept for a business? Is there a new product or service you are thinking of developing? While a new location may seem like a perfect fit for your business or you may think your new concept is filling a gap in the market – it is never good to assume. It is necessary to determine

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  • Case Study: Feasibility Study for Senior Housing Apartments

    Case Study: Feasibility Study for Senior Housing Apartments

    America is getting older. According to the 2017 Census, nearly one in four (22.9%) Americans is a baby boomer. As older Americans begin to retire, real estate developers have noticed an opportunity for retirement communities and senior housing. Even though America is aging, it is important to consider many different factors before jumping to conclusions about the feasibility of a potential senior housing development. A market research feasibility study is a great place to start. For example, o

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