Market Research Analysis

  • Blog: Gabor Granger vs van Westendorp Models: Which To Use

    Gabor Granger vs van Westendorp Models: Which To Use

    Choosing the perfect price for an item is one of the most important decisions a business can make - and it’s all about striking the perfect balance. If an item is priced too low, consumers may think it's lower quality and not bother purchasing it. At the same time, overpriced items also have the ability to turn off potential buyers. Thankfully, the van Westendorp and Gabor-Granger pricing models shed light on what prices will appeal to consumers. Below, we'll dive into each model and which

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  • Blog: Market Intelligence Research Guide (How To Do It Like The Experts)

    Market Intelligence Research Guide (How To Do It Like The Experts)

    For businesses wanting to get ahead, understanding market intelligence is critical. There are multiple ways market intelligence can push a business from good to great, such as establishing customer needs, revealing current industry trends and unlocking competitor insights. Using this information, businesses gain access to quality information about the inner workings of their organizations. In this blog post, we'll dive into what market intelligence is, how to collect it, and how to best use

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  • Cohort Analysis Made Easy: Definition + Use Cases

    Customers are the heart of any business.  A lot of effort goes into attracting and retaining customers through marketing campaigns, customer satisfaction surveys, targeted sales strategies, and more. But if you don’t truly understand what your customers want and how they behave, all these tactics fall on deaf ears. That's where cohort analysis comes in. In this tricky landscape where you want to reel your customers in, make them happy and keep them satisfied, it requires a deeper assessment

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  • Blog: An Expert Guide to Market Research Data Collection (The 5 Best Ways)

    An Expert Guide to Market Research Data Collection (The 5 Best Ways)

    Quality data is at the core of any successful market research project. As researchers, we know the best ways to collect this data, and how each method of collection can provide different results. In this post, we'll cover the two key data collection methods, their pros and cons, and their roles in providing actionable results for clients. What Is Data Collection in Market Research? Data collection in market research is the process of gathering information that allows organizations to gai

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  • Blog: What Is Quantitative Research? (Definition + Tips From The Pros)

    What Is Quantitative Research? (Definition + Tips From The Pros)

    In today’s competitive landscape, businesses can’t afford to rely on hunches when making critical decisions. To thrive, organizations must embrace data-driven decision-making. Conducting quantitative research can provide businesses with the concrete numbers and facts needed to guide strategy. This type of research ultimately allows businesses to stay competitive and offer better products and services for consumers. What Exactly Is Quantitative Market Research? Using numerical data, quant

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  • Blog: MaxDiff Vs. Conjoint Analysis: Differences & When to Use Them

    MaxDiff Vs. Conjoint Analysis: Differences & When to Use Them

    MaxDiff and conjoint analysis are essential market research tools companies can rely on to improve their business. Both tools provide deeper insight into what drives consumers to purchase a product, allowing companies to continuously better their offerings, ultimately driving sales. As a result, businesses can make informed decisions based on quality data. But these tools are highly complex, and we strongly recommend partnering with a third-party firm like Drive Research to conduct them. Bel

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  • Blog: 10 Tips for Using MaxDiff in a Survey

    10 Tips for Using MaxDiff in a Survey

    If you are ever looking for a compelling way to prioritize items in a list, consider using a MaxDiff analysis with an online survey. Also known as Maximum Difference or Best-Worst Scaling, MaxDiff is an advanced approach for understanding how respondents rank a list of items using trade-offs (Not to be confused with conjoint analysis). In a typical MaxDiff question or “set,” respondents are asked to review a handful of items known as “attributes” and make two selections: best and worst. The sc

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  • Blog: Conducting a Conjoint Survey [2023 Ultimate Guide]

    Conducting a Conjoint Analysis [2025 Guide]

    A conjoint analysis is one of the most effective ways to help a brand determine the best product features, benefits, and price combinations. When measuring the appeal of a new product concept, it can prove challenging to assess the relative value of each benefit properly. Trying to tackle this through a series of closed-ended questions (select one, select all that apply, ranking) coupled with open-ended questions for context can create a muddy story – one that is hard to apply when deciding

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  • Blog: What Is Cluster Analysis: Examples & Why It Matters

    What Is Cluster Analysis: Examples & Why It Matters

    When companies invest in advanced market research tools like cluster analysis, they uncover strategic insights to improve everything from company culture to customer satisfaction. And once these insights have been discovered, they can then be used to create a targeted business strategy based on data. In this post, we’ll cover the meaning of cluster analysis, how it works, and when you should use it. Keep reading! What Is Cluster Analysis? Cluster analysis is an advanced statistical techn

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  • Blog: Why Market Research Should be in Your 2025 Budget

    Why Market Research Should Be In Your 2025 Budget

    Believe it or not, the new year is right around the corner - and that means it's time to start planning your 2025 budget (if you haven’t already). With every new year comes new objectives, goals, and challenges. How will you choose the right tools to assist your organization in breaking new ground and making it the best year yet? We've got the answer... By adding market research to your 2025 budget! In doing so, businesses can be assured they are moving forward in the right direction. Typ

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  • Man working on computer

    Switching Market Research Companies: 7 Signs It’s Time

    Partnering with the right market research team is critical for a brand that wants to receive quality data to improve business. If a brand is working with a market research team that isn't delivering anymore, this is the biggest sign that they should begin looking for a different one. What are some common signs that it's time to switch, you ask? Outdated data, slow turnaround times, and lack of innovative/unique research approaches are all giveaways. Spend some time evaluating your current

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  • Blog: Factor Analysis: Definition, Types, and Examples

    Factor Analysis In Research: Types & Examples

    Factor analysis in market research is a statistical method used to uncover underlying dimensions, or factors, in a dataset. By examining patterns of correlation between variables, factor analysis helps to identify groups of variables that are highly interrelated and can be used to explain a common underlying theme. Factor analysis can be best used for complex situations where there are many data sets and potentially many variables to summarize. In this blog, we will explore the different ty

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