Market Research Analysis

  • mapping-tools-market-research-report-11062018

    Using Mapping Tools for Surveys and Market Research Reports

    Data visualization is a popular technique used in market research reporting. Everybody loves a map don't they? We certainly do here at our market research firm. So much so we try to work at least one (and usually multiple maps) into our client reports. Mapping used in market research comes in many shapes and sizes. There are a variety of different plot points and maps a market research firm can create with data like ZIP Codes, counties, or even Census Tracts. We'll review some of the basic maps

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    How to Conduct Secondary Research

    It doesn't always make sense to start a market research study from scratch. Sometimes questions can be answered through publicly available information. This is better known as secondary research, or the use of preexisting sources to address new objectives. With the Information Age in full swing, the Internet has become the prime vehicle for conducting secondary research. Aside from research limited to print, searching online offers a person access to seemingly endless information about virtuall

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  • data-driven-halloween-market-research-10192018

    3 Data-Driven Nougats Just In Time For Halloween

    Love Halloween? Ditto. I even love (gasp) candy corn. Whether you love it or hate it, I'm sure you will enjoy reading these 3 data-driven nougats just in time for Halloween. Pun intended. If you are left wondering about what the top candy sales are, the most popular costumes, or how Halloween impacts pumpkin spice sales, you have come to the right place. Ready for data? Here are 3 data-driven nougats just in time for Halloween! Data is pretty sweet. Check out these 3 Halloween data nougats!

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    Where Does Traditional Research Sit in the Age of Big Data?

    In today's consumer-centric business world, most are terrified of alienating prospects. It is the proverbial boogeyman. Many traditional outreach methods have been all but retired because they are considered "intrusive" and supposedly run the risk of annoying customers. These traditional outreach methods include cold calls via telephone and even in-person door-to-door sales. In market research, data collection methods that refuse to evolve with changing times deserve to be retired as well. Rand

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  • science-technology-market-research-09132018

    Steady State Topography: An Emerging Neuro-Science Technology in Market Research

    Understanding how decisions are made is a critical component to the sales process. According to Sheena Lyengar, a professor at Colombia University and known as an “expert on choice,” shared that the average person makes at least 70 decisions daily. So why does a customer buy? What makes them decide to buy or not to buy? Let us first cover the science of it. The brain is a complex and fascinating organ. Due to the complexity, there are many facets of the brain, all of which have unique and vit

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    Sentiment Analysis and Social Media

    In order for a company to grow successfully through a product or service, it is vital to understand the ideal customer. In the market research industry, some traditional techniques used gain this insight and knowledge include strategic surveys, focus groups and one-to-one interviews. With the boom of social media in the early 2000, a multitude of new social media platforms created new data opportunities to gain valuable insight around a user needs, preferences and opinions about a product, serv

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  • free-tools-change-market-research-08152018

    7 Free Market Research Tools That Will Change Your Life (Maybe?)

    Well, that is a bold title. Life changing market research tools that are free? You probably want in. Although the life changing benefits of these tools are not likely to be grand, each individual tool does offer a lot of benefits and value to help you with your day-to-day projects and work. You may be aware of some of these tools, while others will likely be brand new to you. We hope you find these tools come in handy and maybe you'll even bookmark a few. They run the gamut from free survey sof

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  • heat=map=survey-market-research-07202018

    Examples of Heat Map Survey Questions

    Heat map survey questions are an effective way to receive feedback on any image, mock-up, or visual. For example, the image could be an ad, logo, packaging, or a new product. A previous post discussed 6 types of engaging market research survey questions. The post featured image highlight questions which is similar to heat map questions. A heat map question allows a respondent to select areas of an image they like (which highlights the area in green) and areas of an image they do not like (whic

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    5 Reasons Your Business Should Use Market Research

    Market research is a niche service for many. The biggest companies in the world use it consistently to fuel insights, promotions, and strategy. But for smaller and mid-size companies where budgets are smaller, market research is often thought of as a nice to have, and not a must have. What is this derived from? Part of this is driven from a lack of knowledge about the process. What exactly is market research? How does it work? What benefits can it provide my organization? When should I use it?

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  • survey-tips-market-research-04102018

    3 Simple Survey Writing Tips | Market Research Company Near Me

    Survey writing is no easy task. Without having experience or expertise in designing questions, you may not get truly objective and reliable results. Specific words used or not used in questions can bias the data in a positive or negative direction. It is important to do your research before crafting a survey. More importantly, consider using a market research firm to assist with your survey creation, question design, and other key tasks. Consider emailing or talking with a market research firm

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  • tips-market-research-report-04062018

    4 Tips for a Better Market Research Report Presentation

    The fieldwork for your market research project is complete, the data has been analyzed and compiled into a report, so there is only one thing left to do, the presentation! Preparing for a market research presentation may not be a quick and easy task the first few times. Once you get into a rhythm that works best for you, you'll be a market research presentation pro! Drive Research is a market research company that serves Rochester, NY, as well as market research needs across the country, and i

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    4 Types of Market Research Benchmarks | Market Research Consultant

    What if we were to deliver a presentation and tell a crowd of 100 that their customer satisfaction level is 65% and their net promoter score (NPS) is +31. What would every single person in that crowd be thinking? Is 65% good or bad? Is a +31 NPS good or bad? Without any context some of these key performance indicators (KPIs) can be misleading. Market research benchmarks are a crucial part of a market research survey. Particularly for any survey that covers satisfaction with an experience or bra

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