Market Research Analysis

  • takeaways from corporate researcher report

    5 Takeaways from the Quirk's Corporate Researcher Report | Drive Research

    One of the better issues Quirk's releases on a yearly basis is their Corporate Researcher Report which highlights key takeaways from the client-side of market research. Being fortunate enough to work on both sides of the market research fence (corporate and supplier) over the past 12 years, it's always interesting to me to see how this side of the fence feels about the industry. Both sides offer unique benefits but ultimately need to work together to advance the industry and ensure market resear

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  • tips to write a better marketing research report

    7 Tips to Write a Better Marketing Research Report

    If you asked me what I like best about the market research field or a market research project like a focus group, survey or in-depth interview (IDI) project, I'd always answer with the report. At the end of the day, marketing research is more of a service-based business than a product-based. But the report is a culmination of all of the hard-work and data you battled to collect. It's what puts a nice bow on your project and helps you collect your thoughts into a single document to drive strategy

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  • market research lessons from star wars rogue one

    3 Market Research Lessons from Star Wars: Rogue One

    It's no secret I am a huge Star Wars fan. Those of you who follow the Drive Research blog might have noticed a few Star Wars Easter eggs in prior posts here or here. So I suppose it's no surprise I would use my movie-going experience the other night and blend its takeaways into my other passion of market research. With this in mind, here are 3 market research lessons from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Lesson 1: Dig Deeper in Analysis Just like rebellions are built on hope, market research

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  • tips to tell a story with data

    5 Tips to Tell a Better Story With Data

    As part of my preparation for the 2016 Digital Marketing Bootcamp in Syracuse, NY I decided to give my readers and followers a recap of some of the content I presented. This was one section of my 30 minute talk where I discussed "Using Data to Tell a Story." Although the presentation was geared towards web analytics and digital data in particular, my presentation was applicable to all users who report or present statistics, numbers, and data to their internal or external customers. When reviewi

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  • survey fieldwork data cleaning tips

    9 Data Cleaning Tips After Your Survey Fieldwork is Complete

    You've poured your blood, sweat, and tears into crafting your latest online survey. The moment you hit publish and sent out those initial invitations, a collective sigh of relief echoed across your organization. But, just as quickly as the responses started rolling in, momentum slowed after the second week of fieldwork. Now, you're ready to take the next step. What's next? If you guessed report writing or analysis, think again. It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty o

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  • delivering the bad news market research

    Delivering the Bad News in Market Research | Firm in Upstate, NY

    A key characteristic in the personal toolbox of a strong market research company is the ability to be objective. Some of the best market research suppliers earn their way to the top because of their keen ability to build retainer relationships with clients which span for many years. Through this relationship the market research team learns about its client's line of business and in-turn, the client learns about strategic benefits of market research. Over the course of these years and quite pos

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  • confidentiality no longer king in surveys

    Why Confidentiality is no Longer King in Surveys

    A few years ago I received a call from my mortgage broker just days after we purchased our first home. Previously, I submitted a customer satisfaction survey to the company online after we had finalized all of our paperwork for the purchase. Although the brokerage firm was helpful during the process in many ways, the company switched my primary broker halfway through the closing process, and as a result the ball was dropped with regards to locking in an interest rate on my loan. In the survey,

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  • benefits of fantasy sports in workplace

    7 Benefits of Fantasy Sports in the Workplace

    I read about the growth of fantasy sports (of all places) in Quirks magazine. For those of you unfamiliar with Quirks, it's a marketing research review magazine published monthly. The article discussed how technological advances in mobile technology has contributed to the growth of fantasy sports due to the increase accessibility of statistics and data for users. More than 10 million fantasy sports users accessed information from their smart phones in 2013, up 12% from 2012. Mobile is not only a

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  • Pairing Big Data with Traditional Market Research | The What and Why

    Pairing Big Data with Traditional Market Research | The What and Why?

    Big data. You've all seen the term. You've all read about the term. You're all probably sick of hearing the term at this point. In fact, half of you already stopped reading this post at this point because you're tired of hearing about big data. When it comes to market research, analytics, and metrics, is there any term less personable than big data? Let's face it, analysts working with big data are taught to not view people as people but as data points. Big data is analyzed to better understand

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  • a market researcher walks into a bar

    A Market Researcher Walks Into a Bar...

    Storytelling in market research. It's a trend that's been covered at every conference in the industry over the past few years. Storytelling is nothing new to teachers, authors, journalists, or even bedside mothers, but it's a new and sometimes uncomfortable concept for many market researchers. I mean, we're supposed to be data nerds not creative geniuses right? Unfortunately, business moves fast and market research has always fought to stay on the radar and in the budget. So instead of fighting

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  • directional research provides fast inexpensive results

    Directional Research Provides Fast and Inexpensive Results

    I came across an article the other day in Quirks titled "What can journalists teach us about crafting more compelling research reports" written by Eric Whipkey, assistant manager of member satisfaction and experience metrics at Navy Federal Credit Union. In it, the author discusses a number of market research trends I have been monitoring for a while including the need for market researchers to tell a story with data, days of 100+ page reports dwindling, and the growing inclination for organizat

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  • How We're More Than a Market Researcher

    9 Examples of How We're More Than a Market Researcher

    So there I was in the supermarket line waiting, 3rd behind the person checking out with the cashier. I often use my lunch hour to catch up on errands and do some grocery shopping to save more time for my family in the evening. During these few spare minutes with my grocery hand basket half-full I started to think about my to-do list for the afternoon. The customer's discussion with the cashier continued because she had an issue with her boxed macaroni and cheese and needed a price check. The wai

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