Report readouts in market research can be both formal and informal. The formal readouts are presentation-like where the market research team or consultant presents a PowerPoint in front of a larger audience. The more informal readouts are usually set in a conference room where everyone remains seated as the market research company walks through the results.
No matter what you call it (readouts, debriefs, presentations, etc.) they are a necessary and beneficial part of any market research study. A market research study without a presentation of data limits a market research company’s ability to add valuable discussion around the data.
As a market research consultant your job is to help your client interpret and understand the data. It’s the “so what?” Dumping charts and graphs on a client in a report and not sharing your assumptions and recommendations on the data in-person or through a conference call is not a favorable way to end a market research project.
Regardless of whether your report readout is a formal presentation or informal conference table or conference call meeting, follow these 4 essential points to make sure expectations are met for clients.
1. Reviewing the Background and Methodology
We feel it’s always good to review “how we got here?” It’s a nice way to start the readout because it talks about the background story of the market research. This includes the methodology, number of completes, key dates, screening criteria, and other highlights about the process.
Because those viewing the readout may not have been involved throughout it’s always important to ensure everyone is on the same page when the presentation and readout begins. Explaining some of the basics of the timeline and workplan which got you here, helps everyone understand the thought and work that went into the market research.
2. Walking Through Main Themes
Face it, no one wants you to spend 3 hours walking through 100+ pages of PowerPoint slides going through question-by-question results. We all crave brevity and highlights. Market research readouts are no different.
Drive Research likes to categorize our reports and our presentations into 5 to 10 overarching themes. Each theme addresses a key or secondary objective from the market research. Many of these objectives are derived from the proposal and kickoff meeting. The objectives are the most critical answers your clients were seeking from the market research.
Why not frame your presentation around these answers?
3. Adding Context Outside of the Report
Similar to the theme about brevity, no client wants to sit through a readout where you read word-for-word from each slide. Adding context beyond what’s listed on the slide is important to capture attention and hold it. Whereas our reports carry a lot of detail and words, our presentations attempt to limit words and focus heavily on pictures.
This puts the onus on the market research presenter to know his or her material and show the ability to confidently walk through the results without the crutch of endless text. It forces our market research to know our material and prepare well before-hand. Preparation simply creates a better readout anyway.
4. Point the Audience to More Information
If you follow the last 2 essentials, your readout may not last much longer than 30 minutes or an hour. Although your presentation file may have only been 10 to 20 slides, the report you developed likely contains a lot more information. It’s important to mention this at the end of the readout so people who are looking for more detail and context can be directed to a location to access it.
Contact Our Report Readout Company
Drive Research is a national market research company. Questions about how our company can assist you with your next market research project? Contact us via email at [email protected] or get a quote with us today.