5 Factors to Look for in an Omnibus Survey Company

Even though omnibus surveys provide organizations with many benefits, not all survey companies are built the same.

When searching for an omnibus survey company, there are several elements to consider when choosing a partner.

For most organizations, pricing plays a major role in their choice of vendor – and that’s totally understandable.

In this blog post, our market research company touches on unique factors outside of pricing to keep in mind as well.

For a quick synopsis, watch the video below.

Experience in Conducting Omnibus Surveys

First and foremost, you need to look for a research company that has extensive experience in conducting omnibus surveys.

Why? Because these surveys are much different than traditional one-time surveys that are carried out through pen and paper or on a digital device like a smartphone or computer.

With omnibus surveys, there is a vast amount of work that goes into building a target audience for the proprietary questions that are asked.

Additionally, omnibus survey companies like Drive Research have spent years crafting a list of panel vendors so we know what sample will provide the lowest costs for you.


Always look for a timely response when sending in a market research proposal or request to a potential partner. If the company doesn't reply within 24 to 48 hours, continue your search for a company that is more responsive.

When a research company treats you like a priority from the beginning, this is a good indicator that you will be treated as a priority throughout the entire survey process.

A vendor looking to gain your business should treat you in the highest regard. If their highest regard is taking days or weeks to respond, it will only go downhill from here.

Explains the Expected Benefits

An omnibus survey company worth partnering with will be one that can clearly outline the benefits to be expected from the survey process.

When searching for a research company, make sure to choose one that mentions the following benefits:

  • Create new marketing campaigns
  • Develop refined buyer personas
  • Enhance customer service
  • Improve product development
  • Identify new target audiences
  • Improve marketing ROI

Additionally, top choice omnibus survey companies should have a consultative element to their approach. With their experience, they can provide insight into what type of questions you should ask and how to ask them.

Quality of Sample

At Drive Research we often say, “Garbage in, garbage out.” This refers to the quality of the sample of online surveys.

If respondents taking your survey are not of the highest quality, you are not going to obtain high-quality results.

In turn, this impacts the decisions and deliverables your data is supposed to be driving.

A market research company with experience in omnibus surveys will include the following measures in its quality control to ensure the quality of the sample is best suited for your needs:

  • Red herring questions (this is to make it easier to flag poor respondents).
  • Check IP addresses to eliminate responses coming from the same IP.
  • Check text responses for fake/erroneous answers.

Recommended Reading: Fieldwork is Complete, Now What? 9 Data Cleaning Tips

Reporting Dashboard is User-Friendly

Lastly, always ask for a sample report and market research dashboard. This is to make sure the reporting dashboard is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

The amount of data you will have access to after an omnibus survey is customarily very large.

The easier it is to view and extract the data from the omnibus survey report and dashboard, the easier it is to analyze the data and use it for your marketing and operational needs.

Take a look at the reporting dashboard our omnibus survey company provides our clients: Client Portal Preview.

This type of reporting provides up-to-the-second results. No more waiting weeks to collect feedback!

Contact Our Omnibus Survey Company

Drive Research is a full-service market research company, specializing in omnibus surveys. Our team of senior research professionals can execute a streamlined survey while also providing expert recommendations throughout the project.

Interested in learning more about our omnibus survey packages? Contact our team through any of the channels below.

  1. Message us on our website
  2. Email us at [email protected]
  3. Call us at 888-725-DATA
  4. Text us at 315-303-2040

emily carroll about the author

Emily Carroll

A SUNY Cortland graduate, Emily has taken her passion for social and content marketing to Drive Research as the Marketing Coordinator. She has earned certificates for both Google Analytics and Google AdWords.

Learn more about Emily, here.

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Online Surveys