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5 Items to Cover in a Market Research Kickoff Meeting

two people meeting at a desk with lots of reports for a market research kickoff meeting

As a national market research company, we host a lot of kickoff meetings for our clients. In fact, we hosted 2 of them today. We follow a well-built roadmap agenda for these meetings. Regardless of industry or client, all market research kickoff meetings should cover similar items. They can be structured and regimented to keep all teams and attendees on track to run an efficient and timely meeting.

In this blog post, our market research company will discuss 5 items to cover in a market research kickoff meeting.

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Item 1: Objectives and Expectations

Although the proposal has been written and signed off upon at this point, it’s always important to circle back to the objectives. This is helpful for any new team members or attendees of the kickoff meeting who may not have known about the steps leading up to this point. The kickoff meeting should address objectives (even if it’s a recap), how the market research will be used, and expectations of the project.

Item 2: Market Research Process

In addition to covering some of the high level objectives and expectations, the market research company should get into the nuts and bolts of the project. This includes the market research process. This should be a detailed walk-through of the steps involved. Market research projects typically start with this kickoff and then move to workplan, set up and design, fieldwork, and finally, reporting.

Item 3: Questions or Topics for the Market Research

The kickoff meeting should address actual topics or questions that will be covered in the market research. This could include screener questions or survey questions. Talking about these questions brings the research to life for the attendees. In our market research kickoff meetings we typically brainstorm the 10, 15, or 20 questions we’d like to include in the script. This ensures the draft survey document matches the expectations of the client as the market research company leaves the kickoff.

Item 4: Review of Timeline

Timeline is also another important factor to cover in the kickoff meeting. The market research firm should break down the timeline into several components. The topics include when the client should expect the workplan, when the survey draft will be sent, how long fieldwork will last, and how quickly the report will be turned around after fieldwork is concluded.

Item 5: Unanswered Questions

It’s always good to wrap up the market research kickoff meeting by addressing or asking if there are any final questions. Perhaps some things came up along the way the attendees did not have a chance to inquire or ask about. All of our market research company’s kickoff meetings involve opening the floor for any final questions.

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Drive Research is a market research company. Interested in learning more about our market research services including Voice of Customer (VoC) or Customer Experience (CX)? Get a quote with us today or send us an email at [email protected].