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Case Study: Higher Education Admissions Market Research

Students at graduation

We promote ultimate flexibility at our full service market research firm. For some clients we manage the entire market research project. This includes design, fieldwork, and reporting. While some other clients come to us for specific needs like only reporting or only recruitment.

Here is an example of a client in California hiring our New York based market research firm to recruit for qualitative in-depth interviews (IDIs) for their higher education client. This research was being conducted for an online application website.

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A user experience (UX) firm in California hired our qualitative market research recruiting company to recruit a total of 7 participants for individual phone interviews conducted remotely. The client is interviewing the constituents in order to determine the best way to message what the application website can do for them. The IDIs were held on Wednesday, September 12, Thursday, September 13, and Friday, September 14.


The focus for participant recruitment was: (1) college advisors, (2) transfer students, and (3) parents. The 2 college advisors were required to have 10+ years experience, be aware of the application website, and were required to help people who have college credits who want to go back to school to apply and find a school.

The 3 transfer students are separated into 3 buckets: (a) a veteran looking to complete a degree in the next year or 2 (over 30 years old), (b) a student with a college credit looking to complete a degree in a year or 2 (over 30 years old), and (c) a student who just went through this process less than a year ago and considered various institutions before.

The 2 parents were required to be sending their first child to college.

Drive Research used its in-house panel and social media to recruit the 3 audiences. Recruitment took approximately 1 week to complete. Participants were pre-screened online and then re-screened by phone. All qualified participants were send a confirmation email, calendar invite, reminder email, reminder phone call the night prior to the interview, and a final reminder text the day of the interview. Participants were rewarded with $100 as a thank you for their time and feedback.


The topic and the nature of the market research for application website remains confidential with the clients. Interviews lasted 45 minutes and uncovered a lot of insights and takeaways to help guide the client with next steps in strategy and website development. The market research was used to better understand each audience and understand the decision-making process of college students selecting colleges and universities.

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Drive Research is a qualitative recruiting company in the U.S. We find participants for quantitative and qualitative studies all across the country using our unique digital targeting approaches. Questions about an upcoming qualitative project?