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Case Study: Mobile Phone Focus Groups Recruit

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Qualitative recruiting can be a tricky thing. Particularly if the audience is a difficult one to find and the incidence rate is extremely low. In today’s world dialing numbers and playing the numbers game can be expensive and time consuming. Working with a focus group recruitment firm like Drive Research helps your organization more effectively and efficiently recruit participants. Even those difficult to find.

Read more about our latest case study below.

Contact our qualitative recruitment firm today.


A mobile phone consultancy company hired Drive Research to conduct a market research recruitment project. The goal of the study is to identify levers driving retention and conversion among mobile phone users.

Drive Research assisted with recruitment for 2 markets (Chicago and Philadelphia). Each market held 3 focus groups over 2 days for a total of 6 focus groups. The goal for each market was to recruit 8 participants for 6+ to show for each session.


To address the objectives at-hand, Drive Research recommended targeting panel members and potential participants through digital marketing tactics. Drive Research utilized the screening document to find targeted participants for the survey.

A total of 48 participants were recruited (with several unpaid standby participants on-hold).

With the first approach, Drive Research reached out to panel members in each location and used targeted social media advertisements to gather a pool of qualified and interested participants.

These participants were run through a basic online screener (core questions) before receiving a follow-up re-screening phone call to finish the screener. Should the participant qualify, they received a confirmation email within 24 hours of the call followed by a reminder phone call the evening before the groups, and a reminder text the day of the groups. This process ensures the highest possible participation-rate.

Participants received a $125 or $150 for participation in the 2-hour sessions (depending on the time of the group). Participants were recruited based on the criteria laid out in the screener document for each Lab. This is a mix of mobile phone users, ex-users, behaviors, and demographics.

Drive Research updated the client regularly on the progress of the recruit in order to match the criteria as best as possible.

Drive Research followed an exclusive in-house approach our team has built for focus group recruitment. Our method uses a step-by-step and task-oriented approach to project management from kickoff through recruitment. Drive Research programmed the online recruitment screener to find and qualify participants. Our team was responsible for screening, qualifying, scheduling, and reminding participants.


As with many of our market research projects, the results remain confidential with the client and the cell phone manufacturer. The focus groups were hosted in Philadelphia on April 23 and 24 and in Chicago on April 25 and 26. Each session lasted 90 minutes.

The discussion centered around changing brands and models and what drivers conversions. The client created a report and recommendations based on the feedback from the participants that were recruited by our focus group recruitment company.

Contact Our Qualitative Recruitment Firm

Drive Research is a national focus group recruitment firm. We work with industries and all sizes of clients across the country to digitally recruit tough to find participants. Questions about an upcoming market research recruit?

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