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Case Study: Third-Party Survey Data Analysis Project

When fieldwork is closed on a survey, the fun is just beginning. It’s now time to analyze your survey data in a way that is useful and impactful on future business initiatives. 

What is the best way to analyze survey data? This is dependent on various factors such as how many and what type of questions were asked, how many responses were collected, what the survey data will be used for, etc. 

The good news is, you don’t have to do it alone. A third-party research firm, like Drive Research, can help. Send your survey data to our experts and we can easily analyze your results in a comprehensible, thorough, actionable report

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How Can Our Survey Data Analysis Company Help?

When it comes to executing every step of the market research, we’re pros. However, Drive Research can also jump in if an organization needs help with just one piece of the market research process. This may include recruitment, survey writing, fieldwork, facility hosting, analysis, or reporting.

In a recent project, our team was approached by a messaging and strategy firm that needed help with the analysis of the survey. The firm drafted the survey and led fieldwork, but needed our help to execute the analysis. Think Drive Research jumped in to help? You bet!

Learn more about how a data analysis project works in the market research industry.

Data Analysis Project Overview

A messaging and strategy firm hired Drive Research to complete a survey analysis project. This project served as a pilot proposal and project for the two organizations. 

For this particular project, survey writing and fieldwork was completed by the messaging and strategy firm. The survey included a sample size of 800. The survey length was 18 minutes and it contained 60 questions including demographics. The survey was targeted to a national population. 

Drive Research received the data as an SPSS file to process for the analysis of the survey. Our team structured the survey analysis and output software to match question variables and responses in order to prepare a final deliverable. 

Cross-tabs were expected to be extensive (beyond 8 to 10 banner points in a standard topline export). The analysis plan and weighting statistics were passed to Drive Research prior to beginning analysis.

Data Analysis Project Timeline

The report for this project were topline results and percentage breakdowns with cross-tabulation banner points. The turnaround time for this type of file is 2 to 4 days from receipt of the SPSS file. This gives Drive Research time to import the data, clean the data for analysis preparation, and run the analysis from start to finish.

In addition to the percentage breakdowns with cross-tabulation banner points, Drive Research also ran regression analysis. The regression analysis included 3 independent variables to understand the impact on dependent variables. A linear regression output was created for each of the 3 independent variables. 

Data Analysis Project Report

The report, or deliverable, sent to the client was an exported Excel file which included a breakdown of question-by-question results listed in row sections. The vertical columns included total breakdowns as well as cross-tabs requested by the client. The cross-tabs were matched to current survey questions. 

Contact Drive Research

Drive Research is a national market research company. Our experts can help turn your survey data into actionable and easy to interpret results.

Interested in learning more about a survey data analysis project with our team? Reach out through any of the four ways below.