In the world of quantitative market research, you are never short of possible methodologies.
From online surveys to intercept surveys, there are various types of market research methods at your disposal – each with its own pros and cons depending on your project objectives. Below, our market research company shares a list of the most common forms of quantitative research. Each section includes the methodology’s definition and reasons to consider conducting the type of study.
Quantitative Research Option #1
Online Surveys
The most common of all quantitative methodologies: online surveys.
Very simply this is a questionnaire made available online and accessible through various formats such as web browsers via phones, tablets, desktops, laptops, and more.
Online surveys are very a very popular form of quantitative market research because they are relatively inexpensive if you have your own sample. Better yet, they provide high-quality and timely feedback from targeted respondents.
Talk about a win-win-win.
Quantitative Research Option #2
Mobile Kiosk Surveys
The world has seen the adoption of mobile kiosks in nearly every industry. Whether it is an ATM machine in the middle of a mall or skipping the line and ordering your own food at a fast-food restaurant – it seems kiosks are everywhere.
That goes for market research too!
Mobile kiosk surveys are often present at locations like Starbucks, Target, and other retail stores. It is a short questionnaire, self-administered by respondents.
These surveys are accessible to “on-the-go” participants, which is pretty much everyone these days.
Learn more in our blog post, The Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Kiosk Surveys.
Quantitative Research Option #3
Telephone Surveys (CATI)
CATI implies “computer-assisted telephone interviewing” therefore this type of quantitative market research is conducted over the telephone.
A trained phone interviewer uses a programmed survey on a computer to assist with typed responses, skip patterns, and logic.
These types of surveys are typically more expensive than online surveys because of the additional hours to administer.
However, the cost may be worth it given that they provide deeper and richer responses because of the interviewer’s active questioning.
On the contrary, online surveys are very passive — you only receive as much as respondents are willing to share and cannot follow up for more insight.
Quantitative Research Option #4
Intercept Interviews (Face-to-Face)
Intercept interviews are often conducted on-site or at an event. Essentially interviews “intercept” respondents to ask them anywhere from a handful of questions to a script of 15+ questions.
The intercept survey is administered via clipboard (paper) or through tablet (computer assisted personal interviewing or CAPI).
This is typically one of the most expensive and time-consuming methodologies. Therefore, a suggestion here is to keep these as short as possible because interviewees are typically strapped for time.
Also, offering a reward helps t increase participation and reduce time in the field.
The benefit of this form of quantitative research is gathering in-the-moment feedback.
For example, a participant sharing their experience at Target immediately after leaving the store will be better quality than the feedback they would share weeks later in a follow-up customer survey.
Here are four more benefits of location-based surveys.
Quantitative Research Option #5
Mail Surveys
This type of quantitative market research involves print-outs of surveys with pre-paid postage return envelopes. The entire survey is scripted on paper including skip patterns and instructions.
Data quality is often a concern with mail surveys because the research firm is at the mercy of the respondent properly answering questions and following instructions and skip patterns appropriately.
Additionally, it is another expensive form of market research.
Our market research company would recommend mail surveys for those with targeted audiences that are not active online. For example, older generations are not as active on email as millennials.
For this reason, mail surveys could be a great alternative to reaching those types of demographics.
For more insight, here are Four Situations Where it Makes Sense to Use a Mail Survey.
Conduct Quantitative Market Research with Our Team
Our national market research company offers both qualitative and quantitative market research services to brands across the country. Although there are a few other quantitative methodologies (neuromarketing, people meters, IVR), these listed above are the most popular.
Interested in conducting a quantitative survey? Our team can help. We offer end-to-end project management for all services.