Content Marketing Financial Services Tips & Best Practices

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If financial organizations desire success, they need to implement a rock-solid content marketing strategy.

You may not immediately think a content strategy is necessary for banks and other financial institutions - but we promise, it is! By having access to content, customers (and potential customers) can better understand the offerings a financial institution provides. 

It can also be used to target specific audiences to reach different markets.

Keep reading for more information!

Why Content Marketing Is So Important For The Finance Industry

Content marketing is important for the finance industry because it builds trust and credibility among consumers. These factors are important for any business, but especially ones that handle sensitive matters such as finances.

This strong sense of trust among consumers will often lead to increased satisfaction and loyalty rates. Especially helpful for customers who aren't as financially savvy, informative content will give them more confidence in handling their money.

Furthermore, an effective content marketing strategy can also help establish financial organizations as leaders in their industry. As a result, this gives them a significant edge against competitors who may not have a good content strategy (or one at all).

Sub-Industries That Benefit From Content Marketing

The great thing about an effective content marketing strategy? It's incredibly versatile - no matter the type of financial institution, it will benefit from this strategy.

Below, we've outlined some of the key financial organizations that can benefit from a content marketing strategy.


Banks can create valuable content around topics like financial advice, tips on investment, and even common industry insights.

Since banks offer a diverse array of options for customers, they can also use their content strategy to showcase the different offerings. This leads customers to have a better understanding about which offering best suits their needs.

Credit Unions

Since credit unions often have a member-focused member-centric approach, they can benefit from a highly personalized content approach.

In this case, content can range from highlighting better interest rates to the credit union's involvement in their community. 

In doing this, credit unions will be able to showcase how much they value the financial well-being of customers. Ultimately, this helps to empower customers throughout their financial journey.

Fintech & Software

Fintech companies can use content marketing to effectively educate their audience on the ever-changing solutions and technologies within the market.

Since this is an industry that's prone to evolving trends at a fast pace, a content strategy will help make it more digestible to consumers. For instance, these firms can use content to help explain complex topics and how they will benefit customers.

A quality content marketing strategy will also ensure fintech companies remain competitive in their field by positioning them as trusted thought leaders.

Asset Management & Financial Services

Content marketing is key for asset management firms and can be a great tool for attracting high-net-worth clients. Often, these clients are interested in market trends, investment strategies, and other related services.

A quality content marketing strategy can cover these subjects, along with other relevant topics. This will also ensure customers understand their services and help them create a strong relationship with the firm.

What Should Your Financial Content Strategy Look Like?

This will depend on the needs of the organization, but every content strategy should include a set of common steps.

Set Goals & Objectives

First and foremost, a financial organization will need to plan out its main goals and objectives for the content strategy.

When creating these goals, it's best to be realistic about the outcomes. That way, organizations can handle setbacks with ease and continue to improve. These common goals can range anywhere from customer retention to boosting brand awareness.

Find Audiences To Target

A content strategy with no target audience in mind won't do an organization any good. In order to be effective, a content strategy has to speak to a specific group of people that will benefit from the information.

By understanding their audience, financial institutions will be able to address common needs and pain points in their content. Research methods like segmentation will help organizations pinpoint who their desired audience is.

Conduct An Audit Of Your Content

Conducting audits on existing content is also extremely beneficial for financial institutions.

Doing this will bring any gaps to the forefront, and what posts are performing or underperforming. This is an essential step in the process, as it helps organizations continue to optimize their content as they build out a new strategy.

Research New Opportunities

Financial organizations should be evolving as the industry does - which can be at a fast rate. A good content strategy will be able to shift as trends change while still remaining relevant for customers.

Additionally, in researching new opportunities, an organization may find new ways to reach their audience.

This can include content like:

  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Social media posts
  • Interactive features

Outsource Your Content Creation & Management

There are significant benefits to outsourcing content creation.

First off, it saves the organization time so they can focus on what they do best. Secondly, it ensures the production of high-quality content that will rank well. Furthermore, an outsourced team will be able to effectively prioritize attributes like brand voice and so on.

Best Examples Of Content Marketing in the Financial Industry

Below, you'll find some examples of different organizations within the financial industry and how they use content to their advantage.

American Express

Providing valuable video and written content, the American Express Trends & Insights page features different topics that are relevant to users. With a significant focus on business ownership, this page can be used as a helpful resource for entrepreneurs just starting out. 

Key Bank

Offering extensive content on their different services, Key Bank's Insights page works as an extensive FAQ for users. Offering content on everything from retirement plans to risk management, this page is a great example of how a bank can optimize its content strategy.


Highlighting a variety of relevant financial topics, the Vanguard Insights page provides users with an in-depth, updated blog. Aside from blog content, this page also features whitepapers, podcasts, and more.

Best Practices For Financial Content Marketing

In this next section, we'll review some of the top best practices for content marketing in the finance industry. Not only will following these enhance the customer's experience, but they also promote longer-term customer relationships as well.

Consider All Aspects of the Buyer’s Journey

Understanding "why customers buy" plays a large role in a financial institution's content marketing strategy.

This information can be used to inform content, further solidifying customer relationships. What's more, it will also assist customers as they move through each stage of their journey.

Reuse Content in Different Ways

By repurposing content, financial brands can boost the value of what already exists on their page.

This can range from taking an old blog and turning it into podcast/video content, to updating that same blog to be more relevant as time goes on. Doing this also helps to reach a broader audience, extending the brand's reach.

Manage Your Time & Spend On Content Marketing

This is why it's so important to have a plan in place when creating a content strategy.

Carefully managing this will allow organizations to only spend time and money on what they know will be effective in the long run.

Share Your Expertise

The purpose of a financial institution's content strategy is always to inform.

So, if an organization specializes in niche industries or has a unique set of offerings, those should be included in the content! This will continue to set financial organizations apart and keep them ahead in the game. Furthermore, doing this will also attract customers who have a unique set of needs to the institution.

Keep Content Fresh

If a financial organization's content is outdated, that won't impress customers.

This is why it's crucial they stay on top of monitoring industry trends and changes, so that these shifts can be used to inform future content. Customers will naturally gravitate to content that they find fresh and relevant to their needs.

Publish Regularly

...Which leads us to our final point - to post content regularly!

For content to stay fresh, it needs to be published on a regular basis. This can vary depending on the available resources of a firm, but it should be (at the very least) once a week. This shows customers that an organization prioritizes staying on top of trends.

Contact Our Financial Market Research Firm

Content matters in finance, too! With years of combined experience, our team will partner with your financial organization to help craft a suitable content marketing strategy to boost the effectiveness of your services.

To learn more about market research services, get in touch with us today.

  1. Message us on our website
  2. Email us at [email protected]
  3. Call us at 888-725-DATA
  4. Text us at 315-303-2040


Lark Allen

As a Content Marketing Specialist, Lark has a strong background and passion for creative, professional, and journalistic writing. She is also a self-proclaimed music freak and 90s enthusiast.

Learn more about Lark, here.

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