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What Does the Future Hold for Data-Driven Marketing and Privacy?

Content marketing is in its golden age, as more people than ever are tapping into their creative potential and producing entertaining, enlightening, and educational content millions genuinely want to consume.

However, the fickle nature of hosting platforms and the tech behemoths that maintain them means such a career path is as uncertain as it is satisfying. It’s clear that creators need to galvanize their audiences if they want not just to make ends meet but to thrive. How can data-driven marketing help, and what privacy challenges does it bring in this new era?

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Data-Driven Marketing’s Impact on Content Creation

Even without the developments content creators are in a better place to market their work and attract donors than businesses.

Their creative efforts organically cultivate an engaged audience interested in their message and receptive to marketing that supports it. Introducing data-driven strategies allows content creators to capitalize on and grow their audience even more. 

Leveraging Predictive Analytics

Creators already use their platforms’ analytics tools to uncover metrics about their audience think Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and more.

Parameters like their age range, engagement levels, and general preferences. AI-powered predictive analytics take it a step further by collecting and harnessing data on a larger scale and in a broader context.

AI allows for an increase in scope and complexity. More importantly, predictive analytics methods show what kind of content audiences are most receptive to now and will likely be in the future.

Given enough data points ideally both qualitative and quantitative, creators can leverage predictive analytics to anticipate the needs of their most generous followers and tailor their output accordingly.

Personalization & User Satisfaction

The average consumer already craves a personalized experience when shopping online. Top donors expect the same.

Donation platforms make it easier for creators to reward supporters by offering content everyone will see earlier or reserving exclusive materials for different tiers.

Further, nowadays, creators can monetize their content via different methods, such as the audience’s shared bandwidth, and not only by receiving monetary donations.

Creators can do two things from there, a combination of both yielding the best results.

On the one hand, they can and will increasingly need to interact with individuals more meaningfully.

Not just build rapport but get to know supporters on a personal basis, provided they establish firm boundaries first.

On the other, automation and data-driven integration can help once more.

Audiences don’t just follow content creators on their main platforms but want updates through their favorite social media sites, newsletters, etc. The more data a creator has on their followers’ digital habits, the easier it will be to use automation tools to create impactful and personalized marketing campaigns. 

Enhanced and Speedier Content Creation 

Data-driven insights help steer content creators toward more engaging and impactful projects. Better yet, diverse AI-powered tools speed up their creation and marketing activities surrounding it.

For example, a digital artist who does commissions can boost their output by incorporating AI-generated elements into their work.

A streamer won’t benefit in the same way directly. Yet, they can use AI to help create persuasive posts on social media to grow their audience and hype existing fans up, even if they’re not the greatest at social media marketing.

What Does This Mean for User Privacy?

Successful data-driven marketing depends on large quantities of data. The more personal, the better.

Conversely, people and governments are taking an interest in and want to exercise more control over data privacy. This results in a balancing act where creators and donors must assume responsibility and develop trust.

Creators who wish to attract more donations will have to develop strategies that depend increasingly on zero-party and first-party data.

That means information donors give freely to creators directly or when interacting with donation platforms. They need to feel comfortable doing this, so transparency regarding the type of data and how the creator or platform will use it is crucial.

Once they have obtained consent and the data itself, creators need to take steps to secure it. This involves data encryption as well as access management.

Data breaches will only become a more frequent threat. Creators need to use effective cybersecurity measures.

An enterprise-level password manager is a good start for content teams of any size. Additionally, multi-factor authentication minimizes the risks and successfully recovers their accounts even if someone exposes their passwords.

Finally, creators need to assure donors that any data-driven marketing efforts on their part adhere to legislative and professional standards.

Laws like the GDPR emphasize opting in rather than indiscriminate data collecting. Moreover, they emphasize the right to forget or amend data. Any data collection efforts should stress these points accordingly.

FAQ About Data-Driven Marketing & AI

What is data-driven marketing strategy?

Data-driven marketing is when companies build strategies based on quantitative analysis of data collected. This analysis typically offers insights into customer buying percentages, traffic-driven, and conversion aspects. It can sometimes identify broader trends or clues to a possible successful marketing campaign.

What is an example of data-driven content marketing?

One example can be a software company that uses user-asked questions to generate blog articles answering questions. It could be a lawn care company walking through a tutorial on one of their services on their Youtube Channel. It can be an Ecom company showcasing their product and its benefits on their website. It typically is a company utilizing user-related info to drive eyeballs or attention to their offers. It can help both organically and with paid advertising campaigns generally, as long as there is more strategy and thought involved.

What is the meaning of data-driven advertising?

Data-driven advertising these days typically relies on some sort of automation or AI to put together a scale of advertising or messaging to customers. Traditionally, this is hard to do since it had to be done manually by a trained team but it can be easier with large amounts of data to use. This method ideally looks at all data on customer behavior and applies the insights strategically to potential paid marketing strategies.

Contact Our Marketing Research Company

Inspired to rely on consumer data to drive your marketing and advertising strategies? Drive Research can help.

Our full-service market research firm often conducts customer surveys, ad concept testing, PR surveys, focus groups, and other methodologies to enhance marketing and advertising campaigns.

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