Our Top Employee Survey Vendors: Picks & Recommendations

Employees looking at tablet

Choosing the best employee survey vendor is key if you want quality, actionable feedback. As with any market research study, the goal here is to use the data to enact lasting change within your culture and organization. 

Using staff feedback, management teams can begin making improvements, often resulting in higher employee satisfaction levels. But, to achieve this, finding the right third-party employee survey company is crucial. To help, we’ve identified the top vendors who are industry leaders in delivering quality, unbiased insights from staff members across the country.

Below is a preview of our top picks for employee survey vendors: 

  1. Drive Research
  2. Qualtrics
  3. CultureMonkey
  4. SurveyMonkey
  5. 15Five
  6. Vantage Circle
  7. Lattice
  8. WorkTango
  9. Empuls
  10. People Element
  11. Assembly

Our Picks

We've compiled a list of trusted employee survey vendors you can choose from. As always, market research is different depending on your industry and specific needs. 

To help you choose, ensure you've spent time reviewing the goals you want the research to achieve and how you can effectively use the data! 

Drive Research

Our employee survey company provides customizable surveys dependent on the needs of your company. 

Our research team will meet with you to discuss key objectives and walk you through the entire survey process. We value transparency and are ready to answer questions at any point during the project. 

Employees can feel confident answering honestly, as responses are 100% confidential to promote useful feedback. 

Drive Research also sends multiple reminder emails to ensure high response rates from your employees. What's more, reminder emails will also be sent to those who haven't taken the survey yet. 

Additionally, we'll create a detailed market research report detailing the survey findings complete with data points and recommendations. 


Qualtrics is a well-known survey platform ideal for measuring employee engagement. Providing real-time data, Qualtrics also equips you with recommendations going forward based on the insights discovered. Qualtrics also offers employee pulse surveys, which is a great way to continuously track employee engagement levels. 


CultureMonkey provides simple survey customization and easy tracking. This platform walks you through the entire survey process, taking the confusion out of creating a survey. CultureMonkey also provides a number of different survey templates to choose from, and even sends off reminders to employees. 


SurveyMonkey provides over 25 question types for you to choose from, making the survey easily customizable based on your needs. This popular platform also allows you to build custom reports and dashboards for your employee data. SurveyMonkey also makes use of AI to reveal real-time insights. 


15Five lets you send employee surveys to your entire team or a targeted group. The platform also has a team of in-house experts to help you unpack the data and answer questions. Designed with an HR Insights Dashboard, 15Five provides users with an HR Outcomes Dashboard to compare data to other key business metrics. 

Vantage Circle

Vantage Circle offers real-time feedback with its handy employee pulse tool. Providing a fully anonymous experience, this survey platform allows you to track employee engagement levels on a regular basis. Easily accessible, Vantage Circle surveys are available in multiple languages. 


Lattice offers a number of different employee engagement tools, from pulse surveys to onboarding/exit surveys. This platform provides AI analysis to determine survey insights and data. Lattice offers a popular eNPS survey feature to quickly gather insights on how your employees view working at your company. 


WorkTango provides both employee engagement and lifecycle surveys. The platforms offer users with role-based dashboards for HR and management teams to easily measure incoming data. What's more, WorkTango features a sentiment cloud for users to observe common response themes. 


Empuls integrates with popular team management platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and more. The platform provides templates for a number of different industries, from retail to SaaS to banking. Empuls provides you with the chance to choose from multiple employee survey designs, such as eNPS, lifecycle, and custom surveys. 

People Element 

This survey platform provides users with real-time data along with customized survey and reporting tools to stay on top of insights. Additionally, People Element is designed with an AI integration system to analyze comments. To summarize the data, this platform also features action coaching and best practices for users to consult.


Assembly provides users with multiple templates to measure employee engagement levels. This platform also emphasizes the importance of communication across teams with the many collaborative features it offers. What's more, Assembly has an AI assistant feature to answer any pressing questions during the process. 

Why You Need An Employee Survey Vendor

Do you really need an employee survey vendor? If you want data you can actually use, then yes, you do! 

It's understandable that choosing an employee survey vendor can seem daunting, especially since there are so many choices made available to you. As we mentioned earlier, the important thing is to take some time laying out your project goal. 

Here are some common themes you can cover:

  • What do I want to learn from this survey data? 
  • How will that data affect current strategies in place? 
  • How can I improve issues in the workplace using this data? 

Of course, there are many other questions you may want to ask yourself while in this stage. 

Once you have a solid set of main goals, that should make it easier to pick a vendor. 

What To Think About When Choosing a Vendor

When choosing an employee survey vendor, you'll want to do some research. 

Just as you spent time crafting goals to cover, spend time researching which platforms/teams match your needs. Not only does this include scouring their websites for offerings and relevant materials, it also means reading reviews! 

What are others in your position saying about these companies? Do they meet their expectations, and what were the results like? 

Obviously, it's a good sign when you find survey vendors with glowing reviews. Since this research will concern your business and employees, you'll only want to choose the best! 

A solid survey platform/team will offer plenty of survey design options/templates, reporting features, integrations, clear data analysis, and other similar attributes. Keep these on your radar during the search! 

Recommended Reading: Your Guide to Choosing a Market Research Firm

What an Employee Survey Vendor Will Help With

What other specific elements will a good employee survey cover? Basically every part of the process. Let's take a look. 

Survey Writing

This is the foundation of any good survey. 

You may be working with the most cutting-edge, flashiest survey vendor but if the survey questions aren't good? None of it matters. 

Just as there are a million subtopics your employee survey can focus on, there are just as many questions to match that! 

It is that essential questions are relevant to your unique business and make sense to your staff. Part of this is also ensuring questions are well-written, and grammatically correct, and they should also reflect the tone of your brand.

Survey questions should vary in style to engage the employee, as well. Think scaling, open-ended, and multiple-choice questions. 

Survey Design

A good survey design is just as important as well-written questions. 

After all, a solid design will yield the best, actionable data points. 

For example, it's a good idea to kick your survey off with more general questions. This is to get the respondent comfortable with answering more basic questions, so they can then move on to more specific ones. 

As for the specific questions, this really depends on your survey goals. Think back to your original goals for the project--these will likely be the topics for the more specific questions later on in the survey. 

Data Collection

The data collection process refers to the time the survey is actively being taken by employees. 

This usually lasts a few weeks but depends on the nature of your goals. Once the survey is done, the data will be cleaned and reviewed, and any good survey vendor will ensure only the best quality responses get through.

Data Analysis

Going off our last point, there are many different steps to analyzing data. 

Since employee surveys cover many different subtopics, it's important your team is aware of how important this step is. 

While analyzing the data, a reliable team will keep an eye out for:

  • Trends
  • Patterns
  • Overall themes

Determining these will ensure the data you receive can be used effectively and aligns with the true opinions of your staff. 

Benchmarking Data

When gathering employee data, it's important to benchmark it. This simply means keeping track of data over time for comparison purposes, either internally or competitively. 

Tracking employee data internally is key because it shows you how your company is progressing. Additionally, benchmarking employee data will help you measure trends and patterns over time. 

From there, you can be aware of changes or lurking issues and nip them in the bud! 

Formulate Data Decision-Making

By gathering this detailed employee feedback, you can successfully make data-driven decisions concerning the future of your business. 

Instead of simply guessing how your employees feel and going off of that, you'll be able to make strategic decisions based on accurate data. 

The best part? It's straight from your staff. This eliminates guesswork and ensures employees will benefit from any changes you make.

Contact Our Employee Survey Company 

Choosing the right employee survey vendor will make or break your research project. Take your time weighing the pros and cons of each option to end up with the right result. 

Drive Research is a market research company based in New York. With years of combined experience in the field, our team will provide accurate data on employee engagement, satisfaction, and other relevant metrics. 

To learn more about employee surveys and the rest of our market research services, reach out through any of the four ways below.

  1. Message us on our website
  2. Email us at [email protected]
  3. Call us at 888-725-DATA
  4. Text us at 315-303-2040


Lark Allen

As a Content Marketing Specialist, Lark has a strong background and passion for creative, professional, and journalistic writing. She is also a self-proclaimed music freak and 90s enthusiast.

Learn more about Lark, here.

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Employee Surveys