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Examples of Heat Map Survey Questions

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Heat map survey questions are an effective way to receive feedback on any image, mock-up, or visual. For example, the image could be an ad, logo, packaging, or a new product.

A previous post discussed 6 types of engaging market research survey questions. The post featured image highlight questions which is similar to heat map questions.

A heat map question allows a respondent to select areas of an image they like (which highlights the area in green) and areas of an image they do not like (which highlights the area in pink). Survey respondents can also leave a comment to provide context as to why they like/don’t like the area selected.

Here’s an example of how a heat map survey question may look: 

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Heat Map Example

This first image shows how the question is shown to survey respondents.

This second image shows what it looks like once a respondent selects an area. It’s easy and intuitive for respondents to select whether they like or don’t like the area selected and provide comments.

This last image shows how results may look. Areas with more clicks are shown in red and areas with no clicks are shown in white. All comments are able to be shown and exported for review.

Example #1: Test Ad Images with Heat Map Survey Questions

A great way to receive feedback on images of ads, such as print ads or social media ads, is through heat map survey questions. The feedback will tell the marketing team what should be changed before the ad is produced and used.

Specific findings could lead to direction on which ad is most effective, direction on image or graphic changes, direction on text changes, and more.

Example #2: Test Logos with Heat Map Survey Questions

Developing a new logo? Use heat map survey questions to ensure you have picked the right design! You may have noticed we used the Drive Research logo in the example of a heat map survey question above.

Before rebranding or announcing a new logo, use heat map survey questions to receive feedback from consumers, key customers, employees, or other audiences of interest.

Specific findings may help a company decide which logo to move forward with, understand parts of the logo liked best and liked least, and provide direction for any updates needed.

Example #3: Test Packaging with Heat Map Survey Questions

Packaging can be the reason why consumers choose one product over another. Heat map survey questions allow companies to test packaging to understand what consumers are looking for.

Specific findings may help the company decide how to display the product in or on the packaging, key information that should be featured on the packaging, and updates needed on the packing to drive consumers to choose it over another product.

Example #4: Test New Products with Heat Map Survey Questions

Have a new product and images of prototypes or the product itself? Companies can use heat map survey questions to receive feedback from consumers. Since online surveys can easily be created and conducted quickly, this is likely one of the fastest, most effective ways to gather feedback from consumers on a new product.

The findings gathered will help the research and development team identify what consumers like best and least about the new product, and provide direction if updates or changes are needed.

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Drive Research is a market research firm that serves organizations across the United States with custom market research services. Our market research services include online surveysuser experience (UX)customer experience (CX), and Voice of Customer (VoC) research, and more.

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