Wondering the ins and outs of B2B market research? Drive Research to the rescue!
Assumptions about B2B market research include:
- B2B audiences are more difficult to reach
- B2B market research is more expensive to conduct
- B2B audiences are more expensive to reach
- B2B market research is slower
B2B market research is not necessarily more difficult to conduct than B2C market research. The approaches and methodologies used for B2B and B2C market research are typically different, but that does not mean the studies are more difficult.
(You know what they say about assumptions).
The ease, speed, and cost of market research all stem from the goals and objectives of the project. Check out the latest B2B market research study our team conducted.
Wondering the ins and outs of B2B market research? Use our latest market research project as an example.
Overview of the B2B market research project
In early 2019, a data analytics software company partnered with Drive Research to conduct a B2B market research project.
The objectives of the market research included providing a deeper dive to understand products and potential messaging for loss prevention, data analytics, and business information (BI) tools for restaurants.
The survey also addressed factor(s) in choice for BI services, sentiment and perception of BI tools, barriers and challenges to using BI tools, and other secondary objectives.
B2B market research approach
To address the objectives at-hand, Drive Research recommended using an online survey with a combination of outreach techniques. Online surveys are a cost-effective market research methodology offering a quick turn-around for measurable and quality respondent feedback. The benefits of online surveys often create a strong ROI for B2B market research.
Our B2B market research company follows an exclusive in-house approach for survey projects. Our method uses a step-by-step and task-oriented approach to project management, carried through completion of any online survey project.
For this project specifically, the B2B survey fieldwork began on February 28 and lasted through March 11, 2019. The survey consisted of 19 questions and took participants an average of 5 minutes to complete.
Knowing respondents were highly targeted for this B2B survey, fieldwork for this study was extremely fast. Our team surpassed our goal of gathering 100 responses with a total of 133 respondents. These were two key success areas for this project.
Respondents were screened to ensure they:
Work in the restaurant industry
Specified type of restaurant
Specified job title
At least somewhat knowledgeable of data analytics software
Have a role in selecting the data analytics software for restaurant operations
B2B market research outcomes
The reports created by our B2B market research company are objective based. This means, our reports heavily feature key findings and insights from our team rather than charts and graphs with limited text.
An objective based market research report dives deeper to give readers a more comprehensive and in depth view of the results.
For this project, the report package included:
- A draft report
- Infographic based on the results
- The raw data file
The report document leads with the background and methodology of the study and then features key findings, a respondent persona, an infographic, recommendations, and an appendix which includes question by question results and the survey document.
Learn more about how to create a market research report.
Contact Our B2B Market Research Company
Drive Research is a market research company located in Syracuse, NY. Our team specializes in B2B market research as well as other types of custom market research. Learn more about our market research services.
Want to reach out? Here are four ways to contact us.
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