In the old days of market research you had 2 choices when it came to qualitative one-on-one interviews or in-depth interviews (IDIs): in-person or over the phone. With all of the advanced in technologies over the past 2 decades, participants are warming up to web interviews.
Web interviews utilize screen sharing and video chat services online to hold research interviews with a participant and an interviewer. They could be 30 miles from one another or 3,000. Distance doesn’t matter, which helps market research companies reach participants all over the world.
It’s easy for the participant and cost-effective for the client. So there are lots of inherent wins to choose web interviews as a methodology for your next qualitative market research project.
Here is the 6-step process to getting started.
Website interviews are a qualitative methodology aimed to explore topics or subjects. They utilize video chats and screen sharing technology to complete the interview over the web.
Step 1: Proposal
Show me a good market research project and I’ll show you a national market research company that put together a quality proposal. The proposal is the first step of the market research and website interview process. The proposal lays out the objectives, process, timeline, and cost for the website IDIs. Interested in using website interviews for your market research? Reach out to a market research company for a proposal. Here are 7 components you will likely see.
Step 2: Kickoff
Once the proposal is signed off on, the next step is to schedule a kickoff with the market research company and client. The kickoff meeting handles expectations, goals, and what the client wants from the market research. The kickoff meeting lasts 30 to 60 minutes and can be managed in-person or over the phone. Need some more information on the kickoff meeting? Here you go.
Step 3: Recruit
Now that objectives are covered, the next step is to begin your recruit. You’ll want to be very clear with your market research company in Buffalo or elsewhere about your recruitment criteria.
What types of people do you want to participate in the interviews?
What mix of participants?
How many participants?
What date(s) and time(s)?
Answer all of these before you begin your recruit.
The recruit can begin online, by phone, or through email invites. Social media opens a lot of avenues for qualitative recruiting these days. Through social media qualitative recruiting can be completed cost-effectively, quickly, and offer quality recruits.
Step 4: Interview Guide Development
Now that the recruitment is started and underway, it’s time to build out the interview guide. The interview guide is the document the moderator uses to guide the interview process. What are the questions you want to ask? What should be the order of questions?
The interview guide is perhaps the most important piece of the market research project. It’s essential to develop a quality and in-depth guide which addresses key objectives of the market research project. The guide lays out the structure of the actual interviews with participants.
Step 5: Preparation and Instructions
Now that the recruit is well underway and the interview guide is developed, it’s time to finalize preparations and instructions with participants. This can be completed through an email with attached instructions or a mailed packet. This would include information for logging in, what to expect, confirm the reward, and remind them of the date and time. It also helps to place confirmation calls 48 hours before the interview and a reminder text the day of the interview.
Step 6: Fieldwork
It’s finally here. Fieldwork. This is the final step where the interviews actually take place. It’s important to have the moderator’s guide finalized by this point so you are ready to roll come Fieldwork Day 1. Many market research companies record the interview online or through audio so the interviewer can revert back to notes at the conclusion. This prevents the moderator from having to take notes throughout the 20 to 30 minute interview.
Contact Us
Drive Research is a market research company. Interested in conducting a market research project or website interviews with our firm? Reach out to us to receive a quote or a proposal on the work. Email us at [email protected] or contact us here.