Options exist. If you are looking to host a focus group in Buffalo or Western New York, you may want to think about broadening your scope to include Syracuse. Located only 2 hours from Buffalo, Syracuse offers several advantages over the options you may find in Western New York.
We highlight 3 of these features below you should consider when weighing your decision. This includes (1) very similar demographics to Buffalo residents, (2) a central location in Upstate New York, and (3) the ease of access to the facility.
These are all reasons why we have clients who choose Syracuse over other Upstate New York options such as Buffalo. So your options for a focus group facility may not be as limited as you might think. Consider Syracuse for your qualitative market research.
An inside look at the Drive Research focus group facility in Upstate New York. Our focus group room is 29′ by 14′ and our client viewing room is 14′ by 14′. Learn more about some of the reasons the Drive Research focus group facility in Syracuse may be a better option for you than a focus group facility in Buffalo.
Reason 1: Similar Demographics
When reviewing the characteristics and demographics of Upstate New York, the thruway corridor cities are all very similar. This includes Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Albany. Reviewing demographics such as ages, household information, ethnicities, and incomes reveal that the two markets are very similar and offer access to an identical population of residents. Syracuse is about half the size of Buffalo.
Reason 2: Central Location in Upstate New York
If you were to draw a mid-point of New York State on the map, you would arrive somewhere in the vicinity of Syracuse. After all, we are labeled Central New York for a reason. What does this mean? If you are looking to obtain a true picture and snapshot of Upstate New York residents, Syracuse is your answer. Our location gives us the ability to recruit from rural, suburban, and urban populations.
Reason 3: Easy Access to Airport and Hotels
Not all focus group facilities are created equal. Some are just outside of the city, while others are located on the outskirts. Some facilities offer easy access near the airport and major highways while others are off the beaten path. Another benefit of the Drive Research focus group facility is the convenience and accessibility. Our location is just minutes from the Hancock International Airport and less than 2 minutes from Highway 81 and the New York State Thruway. Can the same be said about your focus group facility in Buffalo?
Contact Our Focus Group Facility
Interested in booking a focus group facility? If you are considering Buffalo, think about hosting your qualitative market research in Syracuse.
Our focus group facility offers easy convenience to the airport, 11 hotels within 1 mile, and is centrally located just outside of the city of Syracuse offering access to all types of participants.
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