Choosing between qualitative and quantitative market research can be a tricky choice. Although surveys and in-depth interviews (IDIs) can both be conducted by phone, decision-makers often wonder what the difference between the two is? What insights can be gained from one that cannot be gained from the other? When should you choose the qualitative (IDIs) and when should you choose the quantitative (survey)?
Let’s take a unique look at both methodologies so you can determine which is most appropriate for your business.
When to use a telephone survey over an in-depth interview (IDI)?
A telephone survey is most useful when you are looking to measure, create a baseline, or gain highly reliable data from questions. Telephone surveys work off a standardized script using CATI. Typically they are completed through a call center where telesurveyors can be trained to read and select appropriate responses. The majority of questions in a telephone survey are closed-ended where answers are selected. This allows for a streamlined experience and minimal understanding of the topic from the caller or a need to probe for in-depth responses. Telephone surveys are typically short and last 10 minutes or less by phone.
When to use an in-depth interview (IDI) over a telephone survey?
An IDI is most useful when you are looking to explore, better understand a topic or experience, or garner some anecdotal feedback from a participant. An IDI is more formal than a telephone survey and typically involves scheduling a time for both the interviewer and interviewee to get together. An honorarium is usually involved because the interview lasts upwards of 20 minutes or more. The interviews are often conducted with high level executives who are extremely knowledgeable about a certain topic or have significant decision-making authority. An IDI is less scripted than a telephone survey which allows the moderator to step outside of the script to probe further and dig into responses with the participant. As a result, the script is heavy on open-ends.
Contact Us for Help With Phone Surveys & Qualitative Interviews
Need help? Drive Research is a national market research company. We specialize in qualitative phone interviews as well as phone surveys through our network partnerships. Contact us at [email protected] or get a quote with us today.