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15+ Product Concept Development Example Survey Questions to Steal

Product concept development plays a significant role in bringing a new idea to life. The feedback gathered from new product development market research should impact design, packaging, taste, pricing, marketing — the list goes on and on.

Whether you are conducting ad concept testing or comparing product packaging, online surveys are an excellent vehicle for collecting quick, in-depth, and cost-effective insights from your target consumer.

However, in order to earn the best results, you must be asking the right questions. Because survey writing is a science after all. Below, our market research company shares survey questions recently asked in a product concept development project. These can serve as a great baseline for your upcoming study.

Contact our product development research firm today.

Objectives of the Product Concept Development Survey

A food manufacturer wanted to test the appeal of two product concepts. Both concepts tested up to 7 flavors each, overall appeal, likelihood to purchase, and packaging preference. 

Concept 1 was “regular” and did not mention health benefits, while Concept 2 had mentioned healthy benefits throughout.

The goal of the survey was to see which concept had the highest appeal, highest likelihood to purchase, which packaging type was preferred, and what about the flavors was most appealing. 

To learn more about the actual survey process, read 5 steps to conduct an ad concept test.

As a reminder, these concept testing survey questions are for example purposes only.

A full-length survey would include additional questions to ensure the right audience was being reached and would customize these questions to the unique needs of the project.

Concept Testing Survey Sequence 1

(Randomly shown to half of the survey respondents)

Q1. Please review the product and features below and share what you like or dislike most about it. Click on a part of the image to provide feedback on that area. Then select ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike,’ enter any comments, and hit ‘Save’ when done. Select another point on the image to share additional feedback.

[Show Concept 1]

Q2. How appealing is the product below? Select a rating. (Rating scale is 1 to 5, with 1 being not at all appealing and 5 being very appealing)

[Show Concept 1]

Q3. Please explain why you rated your appeal of the product below as [insert response] out of 5. Enter your response below.

[Show Concept 1]

Q4. How likely are you to purchase the product line below? Select a rating. (Rating scale is 1 to 5, with 1 being not at all likely and 5 being very likely)

[Show Concept 1]

Q5. Which of the following flavors would you be most interested in purchasing? Select all that apply. 

  1. [Example flavor 1]
  2. [Example flavor 2]
  3. [Example flavor 3]
  4. None of the above

Q6. [If liked example flavor 1 the most] What do you like most about example flavor 1? Select all that apply. 

  1. [Ingredient 1]
  2. [Ingredient 2]
  3. [Ingredient 3]
  4. Unsure

Q7. After reviewing the product below, which of the following packaging types do you prefer? Select one. 

Note: Please focus solely on the packaging of the product (i.e., the look and feel of the product) rather than the product size.

  1. [Type 1]
  2. [Type 2]
  3. Unsure

Q8. [If made a preference] Please explain why you prefer the packaging below. Enter your response below. 

Note: Please focus solely on the packaging of the product (i.e., the look and feel of the product) rather than the product size

[Insert packaging preference]

Concept Testing Survey Sequence 2

(Randomly shown to the other half of the survey respondents)

Q1. Please review the product and features below and share what you like or dislike most about it. Click on a part of the image to provide feedback on that area. Then select ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike,’ enter any comments, and hit ‘Save’ when done. Select another point on the image to share additional feedback.

[Show Concept 1]

Q2. How appealing is the product below? Select a rating. (Rating scale is 1 to 5, with 1 being not at all appealing and 5 being very appealing)

[Show Concept 1]

Q3. Please explain why you rated your appeal of the product below as [insert response] out of 5. Enter your response below.

[Show Concept 1]

Q4. How likely are you to purchase the product line below? Select a rating. (Rating scale is 1 to 5, with 1 being not at all likely and 5 being very likely)

[Show Concept 1]

Q5. Which of the following flavors would you be most interested in purchasing? Select all that apply. 

  1. [Example flavor 1]
  2. [Example flavor 2]
  3. [Example flavor 3]
  4. None of the above

Q6. [If liked example flavor 1 the most] What do you like most about example flavor 1? Select all that apply. 

  1. [Ingredient 1]
  2. [Ingredient 2]
  3. [Ingredient 3]
  4. Unsure

Q7. After reviewing the product below, which of the following packaging types do you prefer? Select one. 

Note: Please focus solely on the packaging of the product (i.e., the look and feel of the product) rather than the product size.

  1. [Type 1]
  2. [Type 2]
  3. Unsure

Q8. [If made a preference] Please explain why you prefer the packaging below. Enter your response below. 

Note: Please focus solely on the packaging of the product (i.e., the look and feel of the product) rather than the product size

[Insert packaging preference]

Conduct Concept Testing Surveys with Drive Research

Drive Research is a national market research company specializing in new product development and concept testing.

Our team of certified professionals partners with various organizations across the country to deliver in-depth insights that improve the quality of a product, marketing campaign, package design, and more.

To learn about our services or to get a project quote, contact Drive Research today!