Survey Logistics Managers With These 5 Steps

business logistics concept

Logistics is a major, growing market making it a perfect audience for research. The market is estimated to increase by $319.65 million from 2022 to 2027

Some of the key topics in logistics revolve around the use of new technology to make processes more effective (i.e., automation, artificial intelligence (AI), robots), lack of labor force participation, and seeking ways to boost sustainability/green initiatives.

Wondering how logistics managers plan to navigate the next year or their thoughts on a specific topic? Learn more about how to survey logistics managers below.

Interested in surveying logistics managers with a third party? Contact our online survey agency today. Simply complete our website contact form or send an email to [email protected] with your project details.

Benefits Surveying Logistics Managers

Surveying logistics managers can provide valuable insights and benefits for various stakeholders within an organization. Here are some potential benefits of conducting an online survey among logistics managers:

1. Gather valuable information

The primary benefit of surveying logistics managers is gathering valuable information from a specific B2B audience.

Consider types of information that you would like to learn more about from logistics managers like purchasing decision-making, customer experiences, customer journeys, types of investments, etc.

2. Use findings to drive decision-making

Consider ways to use the information gathered from surveying logistics managers to help your organization better understand what drives decision-making.

By understanding the needs, preferences, and challenges faced by logistics managers, organizations can align their strategic objectives, resource allocation, and operational plans to better support logistics functions.

This can lead to improved overall performance, cost savings, and competitive advantage.

In short, a better understanding of your target audience will help you create better products/services. 

3. Use data to create relatable content

After the survey is complete, use the data to create thought leadership content. Think about ways you can use your content to help support the products/services offered to logistics managers. Also, consider helpful information like industry trends and themes. 

Think about questions to help benefit the sales team who work directly with logistics managers. This may include topics such as preferred conferences, top industry resources, annual sales peaks, communication preferences, etc.

For example, our market research company partnered with Flock Freight where we leveraged a content survey to uncover existing inefficiencies within traditional freight mode and how their solutions solve shippers’ most pressing challenges.

The insights fueled several content deliverables such as a lead-generating, downloadable report and webinar with hundreds of attendees. 

Check out the animated infographic below to uncover findings from the survey we conducted with logistics managers.

💡 The Key Takeaway: Surveys are what you make them! There are so many ways to add value to survey results (even after the results are complete). Working with an online survey company, like Drive Research will help you get the most out of surveying logistics managers.

How to Survey Logistics Managers

Surveying logistics managers can be done using various methods and techniques.

Here are some steps to consider when conducting a survey among logistics managers:

  1. Kickoff meeting
  2. Survey design and programming
  3. Fieldwork and data cleaning
  4. Analysis and reporting
  5. Debrief meeting

Keep reading as we dive into each step in more detail below.

online survey process

Step 1. Kickoff

The first step when working with an online survey agency is to participate in a kickoff meeting. These meetings typically last between 30 to 60 minutes.

The goal of the meeting is to better understand the objectives of the survey, find out how the results will be used, discuss the process/timeline for the research, review the scope of the research, and answer any questions. 

Step 2. Survey design and programming

After the kickoff meeting is complete, the market research team will then begin preparing the survey draft.

This process includes using all of the information gathered from the kickoff meeting as well as using best practices to meet the goals and objectives of the research.

An online survey company should be willing to go through as much detail and survey updates as needed to finalize the questionnaire. 

Step 3. Fieldwork and cleaning data

Once the survey is deemed final, the team will then program the survey using online survey software. When programming and internal testing are complete, the team will launch fieldwork. 

Typically, fieldwork begins with a soft launch that gathers a small number of responses to ensure everything is working and being comprehended as intended.

After the soft launch, the team will fully launch the survey. Throughout the fieldwork process, the team will regularly run data quality checks to ensure high-quality data is gathered. 

Recommended Reading: How to Spot Poor Survey Respondents [Ask These Questions]

Step 4. Analysis and reporting

When fieldwork closes, the team begins the process of analyzing and reporting on the data. This process can include a range of deliverables including online portals, crosstab files, summary documents, and full reports in a presentation format. 

Step 5. Debrief meeting

After the survey results are finalized and the report is sent, the final step is to meet with the client team to discuss the results. During the conversation, the team may provide additional insight and answer follow-up questions as needed. 

💡 The Key Takeaway: While the process stays the same it’s important to remember that surveys can be completely customized to the objectives of a specific project/client. Learn more about how an online survey project works.

Example Survey Questions for Logistics Managers

Below are a few example questions when surveying logistics managers:

  • How satisfied are you with your current [insert shipping mode] process during [insert time period]?
  • Please explain why you rated your satisfaction as a [insert response] out of 10. Enter your response below.
  • How often do you look for shipping vendors?
  • When do you typically look for shipping vendors?
  • Which of the following industry sources do you follow?
  • Was your business negatively impacted by [insert fee type/regulation] during [insert time period]?
  • Approximately how many shipments did you pay [insert fee type] on in [insert time period]?

Remember, survey questions can be uniquely customized based on the needs of the research. The questions above are simple examples of questions to consider asking when surveying logistics managers. 

Final Thoughts

Surveying logistics managers can be a pivotal step in improving operational efficiency and driving organizational success.

By following these five steps - defining objectives, designing a questionnaire, fielding the survey, analyzing the data, and debriefing on the results - you can gather valuable insights from logistics managers who possess firsthand knowledge and experience.

The feedback obtained from these surveys can inform strategic decision-making, foster collaboration, and lead to continuous improvement in logistics processes.

Contact Our Online Survey Company

Are you looking to gain valuable insights from logistics managers and make informed decisions? Contact our online survey company today and harness the power of data-driven decision-making.

Let us help you design and implement surveys that unlock key information, drive organizational growth, and optimize your operations.

Contact Drive Research through any of the four ways below.

  1. Message us on our website
  2. Email us at [email protected]
  3. Call us at 888-725-DATA
  4. Text us at 315-303-2040

emily taylor about the author

Emily Taylor

As a Research Manager, Emily is approaching a decade of experience in the market research industry and loves to challenge the status quo. She is a certified VoC professional with a passion for storytelling.

Learn more about Emily, here.

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