Understanding Judicial Surveys: Benefits & Example Questions

The legal field is one that's constantly evolving, and gathering the opinions of the public or a select stakeholder group plays a key role in this.

Thankfully, there's a market research method that's perfect for staying on top of these trends: judicial surveys.

These online surveys provide key insights on the perception of both courtroom and legal interactions. Even more importantly, they help legal teams evaluate the overall trust of the justice system in their region or help provide data for a judicial race.

Using the survey insights, legal teams can improve their local system and how it relates to the public. In this post, we'll dive more into what judicial surveys are, their value, and some example questions.

What Are Judicial Surveys? 

Judicial surveys gather feedback from the public to help assess the quality and fairness of the judiciary process in a particular area.

The data from judicial surveys is key to helping legal teams understand areas for improvement in the judiciary. Aside from benefiting the public, these surveys will also help policymakers, court administrators and even judges make better decisions when it comes to an area's legal process.

When a judiciary system has access to this type of feedback, they can create improvements leading to lasting, positive change.

Value of Using Judicial Surveys

Running judiciary surveys helps reveal the public’s opinion on the judicial system and those involved. As for target audiences, this depends on the needs of the client. This may be the general public, attorneys, or another group of stakeholders. 

Below, we’ll review the reason why these surveys are so valuable.

Understanding Judicial Behavior 

First off, judicial surveys provide an insider's perspective on judicial behavior.

Often, questions in these surveys will cover topics like consistency in rulings, overall fairness, and adherence to legal standards in place. These questions yield helpful feedback that can help pinpoint instances of bias or related issues.

These surveys can also provide better insight into the behavior of judges - a very important aspect of the legal process. This type of insight will help legal teams determine potential reasonings behind a judge's decision-making process.

Furthermore, these surveys are helpful in local judicial races.

Boosting Trust 

Judicial surveys are essential for increasing trust in an area's legal system.

Not only do they end up promoting transparency, but judicial surveys also hold relevant parties accountable for promoting a fair justice system. Using the data from these surveys, legal teams can produce visible change within the courts, policies, and procedures as well.

Additionally, running these surveys regularly will help establish trust within the community. Aside from gathering helpful feedback, these surveys will show the public that they have a justice system that values their opinions.

Judicial Evaluations 

These surveys are key in judicial evaluations.

The data-driven insights provided by them can help shed light on the opinions of legal professionals like attorneys and other court staff. This feedback can help form a well-rounded view of a judge's actions.

With this feedback, legal teams can assess areas of improvement the judge can begin to work on.

Increasing Public Trust

Running judicial surveys helps to increase public trust because of their transparent nature.

By receiving these surveys, citizens will understand that their legal system wants their honest feedback. This can create a bond of sorts between legal teams and the public.

This bond can lead to increased trust and healthy relationships between the legal system and the public down the line.

How to Conduct Judicial Surveys

Because of their potentially sensitive nature, it's best to partner with the pros for judicial surveys. Below, our market research team will run through the basic process of conducting these online surveys.

Of course, every case will have its own set of nuances, but we always will stick to our core market research process no matter the client.

Kickoff Meeting

A kickoff meeting is a chance for both the research team and the client to collaborate and outline key goals. During this time, both parties will be able to lay out their expectations, setting the stage for communication throughout the project.

Additionally, this is a great time for the client to discuss any concerns.

Designing the Survey

The survey design process then begins.

Questions will be based on the initial topics covered in the kickoff meeting. The research team will then create a set of questions based off of this and create a survey document.

Testing & Fieldwork

After the survey has been drafted, it's programmed into an online survey platform.

Typically, a soft-launch will also occur to ensure the survey is free of any glitches. A soft launch is when the survey is sent out to a small pool of respondents, so if there are any glitches, they can be corrected without the entire respondent pool experiencing them.

Fieldwork will then begin, which is the period of time the survey is actively taken by respondents.

Analysis & Reporting

After the survey wraps up, the data is carefully reviewed by the research team. Our research team follows a checklist to ensure only thoughtful, quality responses remain.

Lastly, a survey report is created for the client. This includes key takeaways, recommendations, and other important themes unveiled by the data. Our research team always holds a debrief meeting, which is when we meet with the client to go over the report findings in person.

Example Judicial Survey Questions

Judicial survey questions will vary based on the needs of the client. However, we've included some common themes you may find in a judicial survey. The question type will vary depending on the specific needs of the client, from rating scales to Yes/No questions. 

  1. How much confidence do you have in the judicial system?
  2. Do you believe the court proceedings in the case were fair?
  3. Do you feel that the judge was impartial and unbiased in their decisions?
  4. How clear was the communication from the judge and court staff?
  5. Did the court process your case in a timely manner?
  6. Were your legal rights and responsibilities clearly explained to you by the court?
  7. Do you believe that justice was served in your case?
  8. Were adequate legal resources, such as legal aid or self-help information, available to you?
  9. Were you treated with respect and dignity by the court staff and officials?
  10. Do you believe the judge upheld the highest standards of integrity and ethics throughout your case?
  11. How would you rate the use of technology (e.g., virtual hearings, online case management) in the court?

Contact Our Legal Market Research Company

Running judicial surveys is essential for learning important insights into the legal system in your area. Our team will work with you to ensure you receive quality, timely insights based on your specific needs.

Curious about the rest of our market research services? Get in touch with us today.

  1. Message us on our website
  2. Email us at [email protected]
  3. Call us at 888-725-DATA
  4. Text us at 315-303-2040


Lark Allen

As a Content Marketing Specialist, Lark has a strong background and passion for creative, professional, and journalistic writing. She is also a self-proclaimed music freak and 90s enthusiast.

Learn more about Lark, here.

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Online Surveys