Online Surveys

  • Taking the 2020 U.S. Census as a Market Research Professional

    Taking the 2020 U.S. Census as a Market Research Professional

    It’s National Census Day (April 1st) as I’m sitting down to write this blog post, so what better topic to cover than the 2020 U.S. Census? I received the notification in the mail a few weeks ago to take the government-mandated survey. The U.S. Census is unique in that it is a form of market research that just about everyone in the country is familiar with. According to the official 2020 Census website, the data helps to determine congressional representation, inform hundreds of billions in fede

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  • 4 Benefits of Using Facebook for Market Research During Coronavirus

    4 Benefits of Using Facebook for Market Research During Coronavirus

    Due to rising economic concerns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have pulled back or completely stopped their advertising spend. On the contrary, social media users have never been higher. Facebook recently shared its own data, noting that time across all apps (Facebook Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp) had grown 70% since the crisis came to fruition. Right now, there is a major opportunity to leverage Facebook Ads for market research. With little competition, ads can be shown to

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  • 4 Benefits of a COVID-19 Community Survey

    4 Benefits of a COVID-19 Community Survey | Market Research Company

    If you are a news or media organization, the community is likely visiting your site more than ever since COVID-19 or the Coronavirus hit your region. The community is regularly checking the news more than ever. As a news organization, you’ve likely seen the overwhelming amount of news and content around COVID-19 data. Tons of national studies completed on consumers and their concerns about the virus. But have you seen any specialized data for your community or region? How does your community o

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  • Digital Banking Survey | Market Research for Banks

    Digital Banking Survey | Market Research for Banks

    As the number of in-branch experiences continues to decline at banks and credit unions, digital banking experiences continue to grow. Digital banking services include: Customers accessing accounts through their mobile app Mobile deposits Applying for mortgages online Internet banking With banking services literally at your fingertips, if you own a smartphone, it makes sense why these service offerings are growing among customers. As consumers shift to rely more heavily on online banking

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  • How to Measure Shifts in Consumer Behavior Due to COVID-

    How to Measure Shifts in Consumer Behavior Due to COVID-19

    Undoubtfully, the COVID-19 outbreak has caused global economic concerns and it is nearly impossible to predict when consumer behaviors will return to normalcy. In fact, it seems, for the time being, our current state will be the “new norm.” When dramatic shifts happen in the market, it is important to seek feedback and data directly from your target market. It is better to hear straight from the source, rather than rely on national, global, or even industry data. Through consumer research, you

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  • Progress Bars: Do they Help or Hurt Respondent Experience in Surveys?

    Progress Bars: Do they Help or Hurt Survey Respondent Experience?

    Have you ever taken an online survey? Did you ever notice a little bar at the bottom of the screen filling up as you answer questions? That is a progress bar. Progress bars are designed to help respondents understand the amount of the survey they have completed. Or, if you are anything like me, it gives respondents an indication of how much of the survey is left. What Are Progress Bars? Progress bars help respondents understand how quickly they are progressing through the survey. Before cl

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  • Case Study:  How to Conduct an Online Survey for an Airport

    Case Study: How to Conduct an Online Survey for an Airport

    Airport and airline market research is one of our specialty areas at Drive Research. Typical projects include community surveys and intercept surveys. The goals and objectives of the study usually include providing data to guide the next steps with operations and business strategy. Another important part of airport market research is to understand what drives customers to choose one airport over another and what can be done to influence their decision-making process. These questions can be answ

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  • Brand Equity Study for Car Dealerships | Market Research Company

    Brand Equity Study for Car Dealerships | Market Research Company

    One thing is certain if you are a car dealership. You likely are spending a ton on your marketing and advertising for customer acquisition. It is one of the most highly competitive industries in the U.S. Dealerships compete for the same customers and work to win leads through SEO, PPC, infomercials, social ads, banner ads, and much more. The list goes on and your budget likely reflects that. But is understanding the true return on investment (ROI) on your advertising frustrating you? Your digi

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  • Is Aided or Unaided Awareness Better in Market Research?

    Is Aided or Unaided Awareness Better in Market Research?

    Measuring brand awareness of an organization, product, or service can be tricky. It is one of those instances where it is better to overthink and overanalyze the choice of methodology. This is often why our market research company is commonly asked, “Is it better to measure aided or unaided awareness?” by our clients. So much so, we decided to dedicate a blog to answering just that. In this post, we’ll share the definition of both aided and unaided awareness, as well as explain which type of a

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  • Stop Wasting Money on Purchased Email Customer Lists. Do This Instead.

    Stop Wasting Money on Purchased Email Customer Lists. Do This Instead.

    “How can my organization find new leads or customers to increase sales?” This may be one of the most common questions across all different types of organizations. In fact, when turning to Google with this question, I am presented with 280,000,000 different articles for “tips” and “the best ways” to generate qualified sales leads. I’ll save you the time of skimming these articles and share the most common answers. Use social media Get referrals from current customers Attend a networking even

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  • Is Your Law Firm Advertising Working? | How Online Surveys Can Improve Marketing ROI

    Is Your Law Firm Advertising Working? | How Online Surveys Can Improve Marketing ROI

    Just like any other business, law firms have plenty to gain by conducting market research. A common objective in legal market research studies is understanding how to acquire more clients. While this can be driven by a number of factors including demand, awareness, and competition, one of the biggest factors is often perception. With the abundance of personal attorney advertisements across all forms of media, it is critical to understand how consumers perceive marketing by law firms. It is impo

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  • Quality Online Survey Respondents | Survey Sample

    Quality Online Survey Respondents | Survey Sample

    Although Drive Research is a full-service market research company, we also work with clients coast-to-coast on specific parts of projects. In some cases, our team consults with a client to design a survey or write unbiased and actionable questions. In other cases, our clients hire us to take a database of 1,000 survey responses and run advanced analysis and create PowerPoint slides for a presentation. And in many cases, clients hire our company to help them fulfill quality online survey respo

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