Online Surveys
How to Improve Responses Rates? | 4 Basic Tips from Our Research Firm
Posted at: 10/24/2017 6:59 PM
You are only as good as the data you collect. Very true in market research. An online survey or email survey is a leap into the great unknown in the industry. How many will open our invitation to participate? How many will respond? These questions are nearly impossible to answer. A market research firm can help you estimate this based on industry and client experience. However, you likely have a goal number of completed surveys in mind (100, 200, 400, etc.). Depending on how engaged and interes
4 Types of Online Survey Respondents That Scare the $&#@ Out of Market Research Firms
Posted at: 10/20/2017 6:46 PM
Quality is everything. I'll say it again, just in case you missed it and for extra emphasis... quality data is everything in market research. See the bolding there? No business or organization wants to base important strategic decisions on bad data. Poor quality data comes in many forms. Those methodologies with more face-to-face and person-to-person fieldwork helps control data quality. However, it's hard to argue with the benefits of online research these days and with great power, comes grea
8 Steps to Using an Online Market Research Panel
Posted at: 10/18/2017 6:35 PM
One of the most exciting moments for a market research professional is when the survey you took so much time to craft and perfect is ready to hit the field! Often times, fieldwork for online surveys can incorporate multiple methods like using the Drive Research panel, online outreach, and other panel sources to achieve the goal number of completes. The set up involved when using an online panel can be tricky. In this post, we'll discuss the steps involved to take your online survey from word do
The Science Behind Survey Writing: 5 Tips to Better Survey Questions
Posted at: 9/24/2017 5:03 PM
By this point, I'm sure you've seen the quote circulating social media about using an amateur and not a professional. It's something along the lines of "if you think using a professional is too expensive, wait until you hire an amateur." It shows 2 pictures side-by-side of a tattoo artist inking a tattoo on to someone's back. One is a picture of a unicorn that looks like it is drawn by a student in Ms. Miller's 1st grade class. The other is much more extravagant and detailed by the true artist.
4 Basic Tips to Quality Check a Data File in Market Research
Posted at: 8/29/2017 3:11 PM
Data, data everywhere. Life in market research surrounds you with data. Those who manage survey projects know the launch of a survey is only the beginning of the process. Once the data starts rolling in your work has only just begun. The best market research firms spend a lot of their time quality-checking and proofing data files in market research. They scrub the data daily. The examine each and every data point. They torture the data to a point where it is 100% error-free. Here are 4 basic t
Market Researchers: Here's How to Make Your Surveys Device Agnostic
Posted at: 8/3/2017 6:55 PM
Are you reading this on your mobile device? Or perhaps you're reading this on your Apple iPad as you're watching Game of Thrones on a Sunday night. You're not alone. Usage of mobile devices has grown incredibly over the past decade and when it comes to survey taking, it's the same story. In a prior blog, we wrote about the 4 reasons behind the growth in mobile research. This pointed to more surveys being taken on mobile phones than any other device. More than desktop, more than laptop, more tha
What Impacts Survey Response Rates? | A Closer Look
Posted at: 7/23/2017 2:59 PM
In the most recent addition of Quirk's magazine, I came across an article that discussed the impact of various variables on survey response rates. This article was written by Lori Dockery from Vernon Research Group. The article summarizes a study put in place to understand the impacts of several variables on the likelihood of respondents to complete a survey. Working in market research for 12+ years, this has always been a hot button topic among our colleagues and clients. It's a constant top-o
44 Quick Tips for Online Surveys (And Yes We Chose 44 For a Reason)
Posted at: 7/19/2017 1:40 PM
Is there a reason why online surveys have exploded into the most popular market research methodology over the past decade? Yes, actually there are a few. One reason is because they are cost effective when compared to phone surveys (caller time) and mail surveys (printing, postage, and data entry). On top of that, they are also quick. Fieldwork can be completed in as little as 24 hours compared to weeks or months for a phone or mail survey. Several other advancements have been made with online
Online Survey Glossary of Terms | Piping, Branching, Quotas and More
Posted at: 7/18/2017 1:30 PM
If you are launching an online survey for the first time, it's not hard to be easily overwhelmed by the terminology used by your market research company or the survey software. When you are sending an online survey to your customers, the last thing you want is a major mishap or mistake which could harm your brand. So although the Voice of Customer (VoC) effort was a smart move, because of those issues it creates more problems than it solves. Issues with online survey invites or reminders make a
4 Common Issues When Launching Online Surveys (And How to Prevent Them)
Posted at: 6/29/2017 5:21 PM
Like me, I’m sure you have seen the good, bad, and ugly when it comes to online surveys. We live in a world where brands love to collect customer feedback after an interaction, whether it’s on a receipt, after a call, or sent via email. Surveys can be really fun to take while others can be a complete drag, which can happen for a variety of reasons (note the foreshadowing here). At Drive Research, we love creating surveys that people enjoy taking. In my experience, a higher data quality comes fr
4 Ways to Add Value to Open-Ended Questions from Surveys | Market Research Utica
Posted at: 4/21/2017 5:16 PM
The value of open-ended questions is to get unaided and unbiased responses straight from the mind of the respondent. If I ask, “What is the first word or phrase that comes to mind when seeing or hearing Drive Research?” and you respond with, “Awesome service, passionate staff!” This tells me a lot of information in just a few words and you don't have to be a Research Analyst to know that. The depth of this response is far greater than if they were to select a radio button that reads as "Customer
4 Benefits of a Pre-Survey Email or Letter
Posted at: 3/15/2017 7:23 PM
With time of the essence, most market research firms in Syracuse and companies elsewhere will jump immediately to an email survey invitation to their customer and non-customer lists. Rarely do organizations ever consider the benefits of slowing the process down and sending an introductory email or letter to the same list before the survey invitations are sent. A pre-awareness email or letter can provide significant benefits for your market research project but they are largely underutilized.