Other Market Research Services

  • Blog: Contacting Creators: Best Ways to Reach Influencers [With Templates]

    Contacting Creators: Best Ways to Reach Influencers [With Templates]

    Consumers trust influencers’ recommendations more than they do branded social media content. But what is the best approach to contacting creators for collaborations? Here’s what 100+ influencers had to say. Influencer marketing has flipped traditional advertising approaches on its head. With 74% of consumers dodging brand messages, social media personalities are now being used as a vehicle to promote products and services. There is no denying the value content creators have in improving a c

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  • Blog: 4 Market Research Options for the Hotel and Hospitality Industry

    4 Market Research Options for the Hotel and Hospitality Industry

    The hospitality industry is massive. For context, the hotel market is made up of over 4 million rooms worldwide. In addition to the growing competition in this sector, it is also one that is constantly changing. That's largely due to the fact that the behaviors, preferences, attributes, and purchasing decisions of travelers are always evolving. To keep up, many hotels, resorts, motels, inns, and other tourism destinations have turned to different types of market research. Whether it be usin

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  • Blog: How to Find the Strengths and Weaknesses of The Competition

    How to Find the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Competition

    Whether you’re a marketing manager or a business owner, you’re going to be thinking about your competitors in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. Identifying their advantages allows you to decide if you want to compete or concede to their superiority in certain areas, and discovering their weaknesses can help you exploit their vulnerabilities. It’s tough out there, and the strengths and weaknesses of the competition are never-ending. Organizations routinely look to out-do and out-class

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  • Blog: Creative Testing in Market Research: Strategies & Solutions

    Creative Testing in Market Research: Strategies & Solutions

    Recently, HubSpot found that 68% of marketing professionals believe paid ads are important for a brand. This may not be a shock–of course, the popularity of ad spending is going to be high. But when so many professionals are focusing on ads, it makes you think: how many are actually effective? We’ll put it like this: your ads can always do better. Even if you have a stellar ad campaign that’s thriving, wouldn’t you want to find a way to have it be even more effective? Or, on the opposite en

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  • Blog: PPC Ads Not Converting? Here's What To Do Next.

    PPC Ads Not Converting? Here's What To Do Next.

    If you’ve read any ‘Top Marketing Strategies’ list in the past couple of years, you know pay-per-click (PPC) ads are always a popular recommendation. And for good reason. Google AdWords campaigns produce one of the strongest returns on investment for organizations. Studies have shown for every dollar companies spend on pay-per-click advertising, they earn two dollars on average from Google Ads. While these conversion rates are the case for some, not all advertisers generate the same number

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  • Blog: Brand Sentiment: What It Is and How You Can Track It

    Brand Sentiment: What It Is and How You Can Track It

    Perhaps there is no more vital aspect to measure and understand than your brand. What is it? What does it stand for? How do people define it? Brand sentiment is arguably the most valuable asset for any person, organization, product, or service and is the umbrella image that shapes all other interactions. It is an evolving asset of a collection of ideas and impressions that can change for the good or bad over time. It’s always shifting based on the internal culture, marketing, strategy, ma

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  • Blog: Measuring the ROI My Product or Service Provides My Customers

    Measuring the ROI My Product or Service Provides My Customers

    There are many articles available on how to calculate the ROI of the tools and resources you use in-house. But what about proving the ROI your products or services offers your customers? Wouldn't this metric be nice to have to feature in marketing and sales collateral? Or, to better understand what key components customers value the most. Luckily, we have a great resolution: conducting market research with your customers. From our experience, Drive Research has leveraged various market rese

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  • Blog: What is the Cost of Competitor Analysis With a Third Party?

    What is the Cost of Competitor Analysis With a Third Party?

    The short answer: not as much as you might think. Market research can be seen as pricey, but that’s not always the case. What really matters is the type of project you’ll be using market research for. For instance, you likely stumbled across this post because you're wondering about the cost of competitor analysis. This type of research can be as cost-effective as an online survey or more of an investment that contains many phases and components. While there’s no single answer to this questi

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  • Blog 5 Tips for Executing Successful Tracking Study Research

    5 Tips for Executing Successful Tracking Study Research

    Interested in learning more about tracking studies? Or, want to know how to execute successful tracking study research? We’re here to help! In this post, we will discuss 5 tips to execute a tracking study successfully: How to define tracking study research goals How to decide how often to run a tracking study Keep the tracking study consistent Do something with the data Consider hiring a third-party For even more info, check out our ultimate guide to brand tracking! Or, watch our brief

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  • Brand Equity Survey: 4 Questions You Need to Be Asking

    Meeting and exceeding customer expectations is an important factor to measure for any organization. For instance, an interesting figure revealed that up to 77% of brands could simply vanish without anyone caring. We don’t want that to be you! Without properly measuring customer satisfaction, how can you be sure they are satisfied with your brand, product, or service? How can you be sure customers will remain loyal and continue to give you their business? That is where brand equity studies co

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  • Blog

    How Market Research Can Help College Enrollment Efforts

    There is no single issue of more concern to higher-education institutions in 2022 than enrollment. Schools throughout the U.S. have been seeing declines in enrollment over the past few years. A March 2022 article in The Washington Post reported that American colleges have lost five percent of their student headcount since 2019. While this news may be bleak, there are opportunities for colleges and universities to meet their enrollment goals. Continue reading to learn more about market resea

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  • Blog: How Do You Run A Competitive Analysis in Marketing?

    How Do You Run A Competitive Analysis in Marketing?

    All companies envision their organization as providing the best products and services. Sure, you may offer good services, have a great brand strategy, and an ultra-trendy Instagram. But watch out, because just beneath the surface an even better company could be lurking, Jaws-style. That’s where marketing competitive analysis comes in to keep you top of mind and thriving. This must-have tool provides businesses with all the best information they need to beat out rival companies or stay on th

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