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two people meeting at a desk with lots of reports for a market research kickoff meeting

5 Items to Cover in a Market Research Kickoff Meeting

A real estate market research transaction about condos with two people shaking hands over a contract

Case Study: National Millennial Survey on Home Mortgages

two people working on computers showing how a user experience interview is done

How Do User Experience (UX) Interviews Work?

a graphic showing the many decisions to make like the DECIDE model for marketing

Using the DECIDE Model in Marketing | The What, How, and Why?

a man talking on the phone with a clipboard performing a phone survey

Here’s 7 Reasons Driving the Collapse of Phone Surveys

documents showing market research reports for a credit union

8 Member Survey Questions for Your Credit Union

a man completing an intercept survey on his computer

Case Study: Small Business Show Intercept Surveys

Outside of an apartment building

Case Study: Syracuse Downtown Living Tour Survey

A real estate market research transaction about condos with two people shaking hands over a contract

Case Study: Feasibility Study for Condos

a woman doing mystery shopping in a retail store

What is an Accompanied Shopping Trip (AST)? | Market Research 101

workers in a manufacturing plant going over the market research options

Case Study: Customer Survey for a Manufacturer

a woman filling out an online survey on her laptop

44 Quick Tips for Online Surveys (And Yes We Chose 44 For a Reason)