Online Surveys
5 Items To Include In Your Survey Proofing Checklist
Posted at: 3/29/2018 7:00 PM
The most critical step of a market research project is the upfront work you do in designing a survey and preparing it for data collection. The old adage “garbage in, garbage out” is highly relevant, as it demonstrates the relationship between the quality of a survey instrument with the insights generated from the survey. After you’ve put careful consideration into each question you plan to ask, the next step is to program the script into your survey software and prepare it for data collection.
Top 5 Market Research Survey Tips
Posted at: 3/20/2018 5:42 PM
Time flies when you work hard! I've completed my first year at Drive Research, a market research company serving Rochester, NY, and over the past year I've written nearly 50 blogs! Forty-eight to be precise. Can you believe it? It has definitely been an exciting, fast-paced first year. And, it's safe to say I've learned a lot. In those 48 blogs, I've written about various market research topics and Drive Research updates. A topic that I tend to come back to and discuss further are surveys. The
Non-Member Surveys for Credit Unions | Product Development and Strategy
Posted at: 3/9/2018 4:19 PM
It's always easier to survey customers than non-customers. Customers have a relationship with you so they are more likely to respond, offer more feedback, and reply quicker. One of the more challenging parts of market research is talking to non-customers. How does our credit union reach them? Are they even willing to participate? Opening up new markets and finding new customers outside of your current member base can help a credit union grow quickly. Although much can be said about selling more
Credit Union Member Exit Surveys | What, How, and Why?
Posted at: 3/2/2018 3:28 PM
Years ago I remember closing my account at a bank here in New York State. I walked in, asked to withdraw the few hundred dollars I had remaining, and asked to close the account. I had recently shifted all of my checking and savings accounts over to a credit union in large part because of the fees the bank was charged to use out-of-network ATMs. I had no reason to keep a separate deposit account. So there I was, standing in front of the teller to shut down my account. No questions. No talking. N
Create a Survey in 7 Steps | Customer Survey Firm in NY
Posted at: 2/23/2018 8:03 PM
Creating and launching a survey at an organization can be an overwhelming and cumbersome task. The good news is, we are here to help. By compartmentalizing the survey process down into 7 steps it becomes easier to follow. You'll bite off chunk by chunk and at the end of the day, you'll have developed a killer survey (with a little guidance from our customer survey firm). Design your survey so it can be taken anywhere, on any device, at any time. The key is to catch someone when they have a
4 Common Questions About Market Research | Feedback Survey Company
Posted at: 1/18/2018 9:36 PM
Market research is all about questions right? We ask questions. We listen to feedback. We analyze results. We develop recommendations. We inform strategy. But all of this cannot be accomplished without first asking the right questions. It comes to no surprise that there are many questions surrounding the market research process itself. There are several common questions about market research that our feedback survey company receives on a weekly basis. These FAQ-like questions revolve around num
Differences Between a B2B and B2C Survey | Market Research NY
Posted at: 1/16/2018 9:18 PM
There are several differences between B2C and B2B surveys. But first, let's start with a definition of each. A B2C survey stands for business-to-consumer. These B2C surveys are targeted towards general consumers. A B2B survey stands for business-to-business. These B2B surveys are targeted towards business professionals or those with working occupations. Although the process is very similar when conducting a B2C and B2B survey, each have their own challenges. Each produce different response rate
3 Gifts We Like Unwrapping When Launching an Online Survey | Northeast Market Research Company
Posted at: 12/26/2017 7:11 PM
As a Northeast market research company, we launch a lot of surveys across the country. Launching an online survey is a bit like receiving a gift during the holidays. You hope for certain things but you can never be 100% sure what you will get until it's unwrapped. Market research has a way of surprising you throughout the process, but never more so than during the fielding of an online survey. You tap into past experience and similar projects to make educated guesses but there's always a bit of
Common Questions When Testing an Online Survey | Company in NY
Posted at: 12/11/2017 9:16 PM
Testing an online survey can lead to a lot of questions. A mark of a true market research professional is someone who is able to explain the intricacies of research in a way that is easy to understand and not overwhelming. In a previous post, we discussed the online survey testing process. Learn more about the online survey testing checklist. Want to learn more about the most common questions (and answers) when testing an online survey? Learn more below! Don't worry, we'll answer all your
Why Goal Language is Important for Survey Writing
Posted at: 11/22/2017 7:55 PM
We have talked about it before, and we are definitely going to talk about it in the future; survey writing is an art form. I'm not comparing survey writing to a Picasso, but if you took an inside look at the surveys crafted by Drive Research you would see what I'm talking about. Survey writing is not one of those traits you are born with, but being a curious person helps. Curiosity is one of those traits many (if not all) analysts have. It is the driving force of our work. We ask why? We dig de
How to Write a Survey | 4 Survey Design Tips
Posted at: 11/10/2017 6:48 PM
You are familiar with writers block correct? But what about survey writers block? It happens to the best of us, especially if you are new to writing surveys and you are not sure where to start. In our minds, it's an art form that takes a lot of practice to master. So if you are wondering "how to write a survey", we think you came to the right market research blog. Survey design is more than just writing questions and answers. It's understanding the perspective of the respondent and how they fee
How Many Survey Completes Do We Need? | Market Research Company NY
Posted at: 11/9/2017 6:37 PM
One of the most common questions that is posed to our market research company on a regular basis is: "How many survey completes do we need?" The answer is never a clear cut and dry one and it depends on a number of factors that I'll discuss in this post. The one myth when it comes to surveys is a 100% response rate. Oftentimes clients without any experience in market research might assume if we send 100 emails, we'll get 100 to respond right? This is never the case unfortunately. Respondents a