Market Research Case Studies

  • case-study-higher-education-admissions-market-research-09252018

    Case Study: Higher Education Admissions Market Research

    We promote ultimate flexibility at our full service market research firm. For some clients we manage the entire market research project. This includes design, fieldwork, and reporting. While some other clients come to us for specific needs like only reporting or only recruitment. Here is an example of a client in California hiring our New York based market research firm to recruit for qualitative in-depth interviews (IDIs) for their higher education client. This research was being conducted for

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  • case-study-wine-consumer-research-09052018

    Case Study: Wine Consumer and Wholesaler Survey | Winery Market Research Study

    Winery market research has to be one of my favorite topics. Drive Research is quickly building a strong portfolio of great brands for our winery market research services. Our recent study was conducted with wine consumers and wholesalers for a specific winery in the Finger Lakes region. The goal of the study was to get feedback from consumers who drink the wine and wholesalers who sell the wine in order to meet the research objectives. This survey took a two pronged approach, meaning separate s

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  • case-study-it-decision-business-communication-08092018

    Case Study: IT Decision-Maker Survey for Business Communications Solutions

    The Drive Research team enjoys working in all types of industries. For this market research study, Drive Research worked with a highly specialized, global unified communications company to inquire about conferencing solutions and conferencing software. This included better understanding the U.S. market and factors of choice for these products. The goal of this market research project was to get an understanding of several key performance indicators (KPIs) from IT decision-makers. The data from

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  • case-study-campground-research-07242018

    Case Study: Campground Association Survey Research

    Drive Research enjoys working with a lot of clients, but especially the ones close to home in Upstate New York. Such is the case with recently completed camping study with the a campground organization in New York State in partnership with an advertising agency. For this project, market research was used to lay the foundation of marketing and strategy for the client. They wanted to use survey data to ensure next steps aligned with the expectations and perceptions of their audiences (both member

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  • united-way-community-survey-non-profit-07232018

    United Way Community Survey Questions | Non-Profit Market Research

    This past Friday, I had the pleasure of speaking at the United Way of New York State Summer Conference in Glens Falls, NY. The three day conference combined a number of keynote presentations with breakout sessions to assist regional United Way organizations across the state. The conference was an excellent way to share success stories and case study examples for the regions to learn from one another. Drive Research presented in the 10:00 a.m. time slot on Friday to all conference attendees. The

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  • case-study-new-jersey-focus-recruitment-06132018

    Case Study: New Jersey Focus Groups Recruitment

    Drive Research works with a number of clients across the country to assist with qualitative market research recruitment, including areas like New Jersey (NJ). We work with organizations to define recruitment goals, set up quotas, design recruitment screeners, program screeners, and manage recruitment. Drive Research recently completed a focus group recruitment project with soon-to-be and current retirees in Newark, NJ. There is nothing funny about our ability to recruit quality participants and

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  • case-study-higher-education-website-06082018

    Case Study: Higher Education Website Research

    Website research is trending! Wondering why? Everything is at our fingertips online. In fact, I'd be surprised to hear a business does not have a website. Even if a business does a lot of communication face-to-face, or through other mediums, its website is key to its communication with customers and consumers. Is your website up to snuff? Recently, a college was asking that same question. Website research is able to find the answers from target audiences to ensure their needs on being met. Lo

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  • Case-study-readership-college-survey-06072018

    Case Study: Readership Study for a College Magazine

    Wondering if the content your organization creates is being read? If readers enjoy it? How long is spent reading it? Topics readers would like to covered more? Readership market research studies answer these questions and more! Recently, our team partnered with a higher education institution to understand readership of its college magazine. These types of magazines take a lot of manpower to produce and the results layout a clear direction of what readers want. The results of these types of stu

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  • case-study-feedback-motor-vehicle-06062018

    Case Study: Website User Feedback a Motor Vehicles Website

    Website intercept surveys do an excellent job at collecting feedback from site users in-the-moment. This data and feedback can be an invaluable piece to assist with user journeys, paths, points of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and provide context for bounces. The website surveys can be set up in a variety of ways. Here are 3 options to conduct user feedback surveys on websites. This case study outlines a recent pilot study. It involved both a site survey and employee survey. Each of the 2

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  • case-study-content-marketing-financial-05292018

    Case Study: State of the Content Marketing Industry for Financial Services

    Thinking about collecting data for an industry study? Great idea. We've talked a lot on our blog about content being the most underutilized outcome of market research. Collecting proprietary data for your organization and then sharing it pins your organization as a thought-leader in the space. You can re-use the data for content such as marketing materials, sales collateral, e-books, infographics, blogs, and press releases. Agencies often partner with Drive Research to conduct these content-dri

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  • case study focus groups for a non profit policy research organization

    Case Study: Focus Groups for a Non-Profit Policy Research Organization

    Drive Research once again partnered with the a non-profit policy organization to conduct focus groups in several cities across the country. The previous project focused on benefits and improvements to an education program offered in Syracuse, Buffalo, and Guilford County, North Carolina. This more recent project focused on a different set of objectives. The client institution is a non-profit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to conduct in-depth research that lea

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  • case study credit union survey in washing dc area

    Case Study: Credit Union Survey in Washington D.C. Area

    Those who understand the value of market research use it well. Survey data confirms gut feelings or provides your organization with brand new insights and direction for marketing, strategy, or operations. In many cases you may think you know what your customers or the market thinks, but sometimes you learn something that shifts your entire marketing strategy. It is better to know, than guess (and guess wrong). We love working with credit unions all over the country. Questions about an upcoming

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